Friday, December 29, 2006

Christmas 2006

Well Christmas has already passed in a whirlwind! Meredith really didn't care much about it at all. She enjoyed some of the boxes and has taken a particular liking to a talking puppy from her great grandma elliott (she tackles it and giggles when it talks to her), but otherwise she could have cared less! We went into Greensboro on Christmas eve to spend most of the day with Chris's mom, step-dad, sister and brother-in-law. Meredith did incredibly well considering she only got one not long enough nap in that day. She was asleep in the car before we even hit the highway to come home. She woke up long enough to get her cute gingerbread pjs on and her daddy read her The Night Before Christmas and off to dreamland she went. We actually had to wake her up on Christmas morning since she got to bed so late the night before! We went over to my mom and dad's house and had breakfast, opened gifts and Meredith went down for a nap. Shortly after she woke up, we headed over to Chris's stepsister's house, who fortunately lives in Raleigh now. We did the Elliott Christmas over there and Meredith pretty much lost it since she was so tired from all of the action! We got her home and she took a really late nap and when she woke up she was ready to play. Chris's grandparents spent the night and we had breakfast for them and Chris's dad and step mom the next morning. By the time they left on the afternoon of the 26th, I was ready to crash!! Meredith seemed to enjoy all of the attention, but she had 3 very late nights in a row and we are just getting her back onto a normal schedule!
We did a bunch of shopping/returns the past few days and we bought her first pair of Stride Rites since she is a walking maniac lately. She no longer takes only 9 or 10 steps, she can walk all the way accross the room now with no problem. The shoes will take some getting used to, but she seemed to like them (size 5.5!!!) By the way, I can't believe that her shoes cost more than a pair I bought at the mall for me!! She was so cute in the store walking all over the place. She even walked right out into the mall (with daddy close behind). She also rode one of those little rides they have at the mall (no such thing as the penny horse....75cents now!). Chris and I both said how it made her seem so grown up with her big girl shoes on and riding a ride (she thought it was pretty fun!) She will be 11 months old on Tuesday, so I guess she is a big girl!
I am working today, hence the post! I was off the rest of the week and we are closed on monday for new years day, which will be nice. Fortunately, it is pretty quiet. I will post some pictures once we get them uploaded. I honestly didn't take a ton of pictures, but there are a few cute ones.

Oh, on another happy note...My friend Jessica had her little boy today....Miles :) Happy Birthday!

Friday, December 22, 2006


I just can't help but post more pics. We had a 'photo shoot' the other day trying to get some good Christmas ones in front of the tree, so these are the many poses of Meredith :) The one with the holly was one that we printed from Snapfish with a border!

Christmas is almost here...

Well, Christmas is upon us! Today is my last day of work for a week and it should be a totally slow day, so I am going to take a minute to write a new post. We somehow thought that now that we have a baby, Christmas would be easier as far as parents coming to us instead of us having to go all over. It hasn't proven to be easy at all. I think we have things worked out now, but I don't think anyone (inlcuding me) is overly thrilled with the plans. I think we are going to go to take a family vacation next year, just the three of us! I just want to make it special for Meredith, even though she'll never remember it.
Miss Meredith is so much fun these days. She is walking quite well now. She can take around 10 steps max right now, but she is getting better every day! Chris and I know that we are in trouble once she is truly mobile. She has no fear and is into everything! The little wicker chair in the pictures is her favorite now. She can crawl up into it and stand up, yes stand in the chair! Who knows what is next?!
She does seem to be working on a little cold. She has been couging a lot at night for the past few days, but I also think it could be the dry air, so we are digging out her humidifier to see if it will help. Plus, every time she coughs, I wake up, so mommy is tired!!
I steamed her some fresh asparagus last night and she wasn't terribly thrilled with it. I think it was just a texture thing though. I have pureed it and given it to her before and she liked it, so I think it was just weird since it can get stringy so easily. We did let her have a bit of gingerbread cookie the other night and she wasn't overly impressed, which made me happy!
I doubt I will make another post until after Christmas, so hope everyone has a great one!
I feel like posting a lot of pics of my beautiful baby :)

Thursday, December 14, 2006


Here is another fun picture from the beach this weekend....

Well, my little baby is officially taking steps. Yes, that means more than one step. Last night she took three steps in a row. (I almost cried and she looked at me like, what's wrong mom?) Mind you, they are from one piece of furniture to another, but she has no support at all. She is getting more and more confident every day. We finally took our big coffee table out of the living room this week and got one of those big padded ottomans that can double as a coffee table and it opens up so we can throw all of her toys in it too! I think it even makes her feel better since it is soft and if she bangs into it, it won't hurt! I know I am already much more relaxed with her cruising around the living room.
She has been waking up between 1am-2am every night for about a week. She cries for a minute or two and then settles back down. It seems to be a fairly consistent time, so I'm not sure if it is her teeth (still nothing has cut through on top) or if she's having a bad dream. She has also started fighting her naps and bedtime. She used to just lay down and play for awhile and just drift off to sleep, but now she likes to scream for a good few minutes or more. I try to get her into a calm routine 30 mins before bed, but there is no calm with this child. Even when she is rubbing her eyes because she is so tired, she wants to be crawling around and getting into mischief! I saw this baby about her age at the store the other day and he was sitting so calmly in the shopping cart and I just watched in amazement! I haven't dared to put her in the cart yet because I know she would be diving for everything she could get her hands on! I think it's safe to say that I have a 'spirited child' (thanks for that term Jess F!).
p.s. We think that her hair is starting to get some curl. It definitely has a wave in the back, so we'll see what happens as it gets longer. Chris & I both had super curly hair as babies, so I wouldn't doubt she will have it too. Oh yeah, she also ate spinach last night and loved it! I am determined that she won't be a picky eater. I did mix it with some baby food, but she didn't even make a face, just opened up her mouth for more! What a good girl :)

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Smiley baby

The picture on the stairs was taken just before Meredith took a header into the corner right there at the stairs...she recovered well, but there were tears shed for sure. Her newest thing is crawling up the first step and then turning around and sitting. Yes, that is drool all over her shirt and dripping from her chin and she has some unruly hair these days too! She has gotten into this funny smile where she scrunches up her whole face and shows her gums/teeth.
I also LOVE this picture of her at the beach. We took a quick trip down to Emerald Isle this weekend with the folks, grandma & Allison. It was awesome to be down there in the winter since I've never done that before.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

A few pics

Family picture after the wedding

Meredith and dad watching the Carolina/State game.
Halloween dalmation..I'm a bit behind!

Monday, December 04, 2006

10 months

Meredith is 10 months old and is just so awesome right now. She is so curious about everything and is into everything! She is standing much more confidently and has taken a few very tentative steps, I'm actually still not sure if they truly quality as steps, but she is figuring it out. She is babbling like crazy and has added a few sounds to her repetoire . Mama, dada, baba, nana and her latest is bookie or boogie..she is either going to love books are be a gambler! She has been doing this funny grumbling, growl thing the past few days and I guess she is just experimenting with what her voice can do. She did it all the way home from Brier Creek the other night and Chris and I just laughed! Sometimes when music comes on she starts to bop her head and bounce up and is so cute!! She continues to love non-toys like the cell phone, remote control, pots and pans from the drawer under the stove, shoes, magazines, newspapers, name it and she is trying to either chew on it or drag it around. She seems to love dragging around things that are much too big. She pulled one of Chris's shoes (by the laces) all the way up the steps with her and it was hilarious because she wouldn't let go, but she was so determined! Of her real toys I'd have to say that the glow worm still ranks right up there. We took her to get her Christmas pictures taken last week and it was dark on the way home and I gave her glow worm to her while she was in her carseat and she totally cracked up when it lit up in the dark! She isn't really paying to much attention to the Christmas tree yet. She was quite intrigued by the box for our fake tree, but not the tree so much. She did want to eat one of the lights, so we'll have to keep a close eye on her! Her top two teeth are coming in and I think these are bothering her more than the bottom two did. She hasn't been overly grumpy, but a little out of sorts the past few days.
Other good news. Meredith has a new little friend Heather had her baby on Friday. A little girl named Reese (not sure on the spelling yet). Congrats!
Ok, for some odd reason my snapfish account is now a 'forbidden site' at, no pics today!

Thursday, November 30, 2006


Thanksgiving was wild and crazy, but good. We had around 30 people at our house. It was a combination of our family, Joey's family (my new brother-in-law) and the wedding party. Meredith did really well and thankfully had lots of people who were more than happy to keep an eye on her while mommy ran around like a chicken with her head cut off!! This picture is from her Aunt Allison....she can take those stairs like lightning now!

Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Quick picture from the wedding this past weekend. We are downstairs at the church before the wedding....more later.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


Well, Miss Meredith is certainly on the go these days. She kinda sorta took her first step last night. We had gone over to our neighbor's house to drop off her birthday present and Meredith was standing next to the ottoman and she reached out and stepped over to the chair. Now it may have been considered more of a fall forward type thing, but there was foot movement and she wasn't holding onto anything, so it kinda counts. She totally loves her little walker and last night when I got home from class she was just scooting all over the house with that thing. I definitely had one of those moments where I said, "my baby is so grown up!". The walker seems to have become somewhat of an obsession actually. She will make laps of the house over and over (with some steering help of course!). I guess the good thing is that it wears her out big time and she sleeps well!!
On the flip side, she hates to wear bibs! I can usually sneak it on her without her noticing too much, but as soon as she figures out that she has it on, she starts pulling and pulling until the velcro or snap gives way. I had one on her the other night that is the kind that just goes over her head with no snap etc. I had to actually take it off of her because I thought she was going to hurt herself by pulling so hard! She just gets mad when she can't get it off! Interesting little phase here.
Ok, this was just a quick note today since I am home from work to be cleaning and getting ready for the big Thanksgiving and wedding events! Meredith is sleeping, so back to work!

Friday, November 17, 2006


It has been forever since I have posted! Life has been really crazy the past few weeks between work, school & Meredith. I only have a few weeks left in this semester, but that also means case studies and final, fun. Hillary's wedding is a week from tomorrow and family starts arriving early next week for Thanksgiving. Let the fun begin!
Meredith is all over the place. She had her 9 month pediatrician appt last week and weighs 21 pounds and is 28 inches. She is in around the 80th percentile with everything. She had a finger prick so they could check her blood for anemia, flu shot and two other shots. She did well with her finger and just kinda watched as the nurse squeezed her it to get the blood out and she was especially fascinated with the bright blue bandaid she put on her finger and of course tried to eat it. She screamed as loud and as sustained as she ever has with the other shots. She even kinda glared at the nurse as we passed her on the way out of the room! She took a Tylenol induced nap when we got home and then she was totally fine the rest of the day (I took the day off to be with her). She has to go back next month for the second dose of the flu shot since babies under a year only get a half does the first time.
One of her favorite things is climbing the stairs and she bolts for them constantly now. She just kinda looks up at me and then takes off crawling toward the stairs and she giggles and squeals the whole time she is heading towards them. She gets to the landing and turns around and waves! It is the cutest thing ever! She also loves her walker and she can take off across the room pushing it and walking...we try to hold on to it since it goes too fast otherwise, but she is walking well with it. I don't think it will be too terribly long before she takes her first step by herself!
She's eating all kinds of good stuff. I just gave her yogurt for the first time this week and she got a little weirded out by it, but ate it up! She also likes cheese as well. Chris got her some biter biscuits (these little gerber cracker/cookie things that are shaped so she can hold it easily) and she just chowed down! Last night for dinner she was a bottomless pit! She really doesn't need the bottle nearly as much any more and she often doesn't even finish them anymore, so I don't think we are going to have too hard of a time weaning her from the bottle when the time comes. She loves her sippy cup and does well with that too.
So, that is the quick Meredith update :) I'm sure there is more going on, but since I'm stealing time at work to type this, I better get back to it!

This picture is the day before Halloween at the pumpkin patch!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

8 month pictures

These are two of the pictures from Meredith's 8 month portraits. I have to credit her grandma Simpson (Chris's mom) for the idea of doing all white. I think they turned out awesome!!
Yes, she is 9 months today, but these things take time!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

9 Months

Meredith has been a busy girl lately! She has now climbed both sets of stairs (meaning she got to the landing and made it up the next set as well) and she can do it quite quickly I might add! She is now officially wearing 12 month clothes and is about to pop her feet out of 12 month sleepers already! I bought some 18 month sleepers yesterday and they just seem huge, but I guess they won't be for long. She has been doing incredibly well with eating her finger foods. She has had all kinds of stuff like cauliflower, peas, beans, potatoes, pears, apples, carrots and she seems to like it all. Actually she seemed to really like the cauliflower a lot, but it doesn't seem like she has a clear favorite or dislike. She does make a HUGE mess now because I just put the food on her highchair tray and let her go to town, meaning that it gets dropped all over the floor and all over her! She definitely prefers feeding herself over being fed, so getting the pureed baby food in her has been a challenge...especially since she likes to grab the spoon as it's on the way to her mouth!
She had her first weekend all by herself with daddy this past weekend when I went down to Wilmington for Hillary's bachelorette weekend. They seemed to do really well other than Chris never changed her out of her PJs all day Saturday! I thought that was hilarious! He did admit that it was a tough job all by himself.
Meredith is standing all by herself now. She has stood for at least 30 seconds if not longer without any support. She just loves being on the move and doesn't want to be slowed down by anything...especially silly things like diaper or clothes changes! One night it took me almost 15 minutes to change her diaper and get her in her pajamas because she was wiggling and wanting to crawl off to something more exciting. I have learned how to put a diaper on her while she is standing up....that's sad! Her bath is a whole separate challenge. Since Randy is living with us right now, I have been bathing her in our big garden tub in the master bath. She loves it, but she feels the need to stand up all the time, which worries me because she could slip, so I bought one of those anti-slip mats. It definitely helps because she is no longer content just sitting calmly in the water!
I wanted to upload some pictures, but it won't seem to let me right now...seems like that happens a lot!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

The first tooth!

So, Meredith is 8 1/2 months old and is just popping her first tooth. As expected, it is the bottom front (right side). It must be a weird feeling in her mouth because I've noticed her sticking her tongue out like she's feeling it or something. It really cut through the skin this past weekend and it was kinda funny because our babysitter was convinced that it happened yesterday while she was keeping her. At least I was there to see this 'first'. It really bothers me to think that someone else gets to see (or thinks she sees) her other 'firsts'. I know I can't be there for everything, but this whole work thing really stinks because I feel like I'm missing out on so much. She still LOVES to say mamamamamama though...very loudly too! (funny note: when she says dada it is really quiet, almost like a whisper, but with mama she is hollering!) I'm sure there will come a time when I won't want to spend as much time with her, but it's just not here yet.
It's really interesting how different babies are in getting teeth. I work with a girl who's son is over 2 months younger than Meredith and he has 3 or 4 teeth on the bottom and it already cutting the top teeth too! Meredith has done a great job so far...not getting overly fussy or really bothering her eating or sleeping. Of course, I suppose that could be yet to come, but she has been so good natured so far that I would be surprised!
Another cute thing is that lately when she sees other babies, whether on tv or in person, she gets so excited! She just starts wiggling, smiling and 'talking'! Chris had her at Lowe's last weekend and there was another little boy in a stroller nearby and Chris said it was the cutest thing ever because they were both so enthralled with eachother. She is so aware of her surroundings and she doesn't miss a thing!
Another funny note: I had to buy her new socks this weekend because all of her infant socks are way too small and the heel ends up in the arch of her foot and basically fall off. I ended up buying them from the girls department and they fit like a glove! They are for shoe size 3-5! This baby has some Smith blood for sure!

I'll try to get a picture of the tooth soon....if she'll cooperate!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Just a Wednesday

This has been a pretty crazy week so far. Our babysitter is on vacation this week, so my mother in-law & step father-in law have been here keeping Meredith for the past 3 days. They just left when we got home from work today. Chris has teacher workdays tomorrow & Friday. They took her to get some pictures taken today and it sounds like they turned out really cute.
Meredith has been doing so well. I can feel one of her teeth really cutting through her gum now, so it can't be far away. Her newest favorite thing is making raspberries ( I think that's what you call it when she slobbers and blows bubbles, while making noise!). She also kindof huffs & puffs when she gets upset now. Almost like she's making a put put sound while blowing air out at the same time.
Chris got her a walker the other day since she is so determined to pull up and stand up. She doesn't really like it yet because we think she thinks it is too much like her exersaucer, which no longer appeases her for any amount of time. She has stood by herself for a few seconds at a time and is just determined to be on the move all the time.
Nothing else too exciting going on. School is really hard. No surprise there. I didn't even get to see her awake on Monday because she was sleeping when I left at the crack of dawn and was in bed for the night when I got home. That totally bummed me out. Just to see her for a few minutes makes my day. These are the sacrifices I'm making I guess. Better be worth it when I get this stupid degree.

Monday, October 02, 2006

8 Months old!

I can hardly believe Meredith is 8 months old! Chris was out of town this weekend (took his dad to NYC to see the Yankees) so it was just the two of us. I had a lot of fun just playing with her and trying to keep up with her! There is no longer any time of the day that she isn't mobile. She will sit still long enough to eat, but then it is off to the next adventure. Another favorite thing right now is seeing her reflection in our stainless steel trash can! It is so funny because she'll be crawling through the kitchen and see her reflection and she just giggles and cackles and pulls up so she can bang on it. I have a picture, but still need to upload it.
I think she has also entered the separation anxiety phase. The babysitter says she has been quite fussy during the day, but she is totally fine at home. There could be some other considerations there too, but I think it is mostly the separation thing. Chris kinda took over when he got home last night so that I could study for my Finance exam that I have tonight (UGH!) and she got all fussy when I left the room. I guess in a sick way, it makes me feel good to know that she is attached to me and definitely knows that I'm her mommy, but then again I don't want her to be upset either.
Oh, I figured out a way to keep her semi-still on the changing table. Give her a book to chew on! If I move fast, I can get her changed without having to wrestle with her! Not every time, but close.
I know I'm kinda behind the boat on this, but I've really just recently started giving her finger foods. It just makes me so nervous that she's going to choke! This is when I'm looking for the owner's manual that should have come along with her!

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Another word!

Just a quick note. Meredith said 'dada' last night. Chris was pretty excited :)
But remember, 'mama' was first!! HA!

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Almost 8 months!

These are some of Meredith's favorite things lately:
-Newspapers or magazines...really paper of any sort that she can crumple & tear.
-measuring cups ..just gave her some from the cabinet one day and she loves them because they are connected by a ring and make lots of noise when she bangs them on her tray.
-her new bath toys that are perfect to chew on...still lots of chewing...still no teeth.
-the little springy door stop thing that goes 'boing'... she tries to chew on this too!
-not so fond of the exersaucer anymore because it confines her too much! She pulls up her legs when you try to put her in!
-the stairs have quickly entered her radar...she heads that way and stops and turns around to look at us and kinda giggles and turns back around and crawls faster!
-the sippy cup mostly gets thrown on the floor, but she likes to chew on the spout
-she loved prunes the other day!
-cords of any sort....we may have to move the floor lamp out of our living room!
-small animals like Allison's chihuahua, Stella & mom's cats....they just have to get over her getting so excited and screaming at them!!
-just being on the move all the time. She plays so hard and barely wants to stop long enough to eat, but the bottle is still an absolute favorite...the whining starts as soon as she sees it.
-she also gets excited when she gets in her highchair now because she loves to eat. (I'm very excited because she doesn't even flinch when I give her new foods. She seems to like them all!)

- Almost forgot about her toes....she can sit in her carseat and pull her toes up and chew on them!!

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Pictures from August

Cousins at the beach!

Yumm! Celery!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

What a big girl!

Meredith is becoming more and more of a little person every day. Her sweet, funny personality is just overflowing! She is babbling all the time and I must admit that she sounds like a little chinese baby!! She has been saying something along the lines of 'deng deng deng' and it just cracks me up! It is like she is really talking to us now. By the way, her favorite word is still mamamama :) When I got home from class last night she actually looked at me and said mama, which made me extremely happy, but it may have just been the first thing that popped out of her mouth too.
Meredith is also standing up in her crib now. My mom was over on Saturday and she had just asked me if she was standing in her crib yet and I said no, but I know it's soon. About 10 minutes later I went to get her up from her nap and there she was, standing up and chewing (well, gumming) the railing (now I understand why those plastic covers are on the railing!). When she saw me, she just grinned from ear to ear and seemed quite proud of herself. Overall, she is just a really happy baby. Just that one night a week at school is making me miss her. I wish I could be there for every minute these days.
We had a bridal shower for my sister Hillary on Saturday, which was a lot of fun. Meredith actually spent the night at Mom's house on Friday night (only the 2nd time!), which made it a lot easier to get everything ready for the shower. Her wedding is right at 2 months away, so it's sneaking up quickly, which also means I need to get serious about this bridesmaid dress if I don't want to look like a giant blob...ugh. At this point, I know I will be a blob, it just how big of a blob.

I am really bad about uploading pictures, so some of these are a month old.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Thanks to everyone for all of the kind words about Beezer. We are still struggling with it, but are able to think back to all of the happy memories of our sweet boy.

On a happier note, Meredith is just the apple of my eye :) She is crawling like crazy and everything is a new adventure these days. She is very much pulling up on things now and along with that she is bumping into all kinds of things in the process. I can quickly see that our coffee table is going to be a problem because of the corners, so we will either have to move it or pad up the corners! She also loves our bar stools, which aren't all that heavy, so I can see her pulling one over on top of herself....may be losing those for awhile too! I really understand what they say about seeing the wonder in the eyes of a baby. She could be looking at her rubber duckie and the look in her eyes is just the coolest thing ever. Speaking of her rubber duckie, she loved her first one so much that we got her a second one and last night in the bathtub she was just so amazed that there were two. She didn't know which one to grab first and once she got that one she would let go of the first and so on....not to mention we also got a spout cover that is a duck as well now that she is sitting up and oh lord, she saw that thing and just wanted to grab at it. I think all the ducks had her overstimulated!! It was pretty funny for me though :)
She is still sleeping through the night very well (with the exception of Sunday night when she woke up screeeaaaming at 12:30. Thought she might finally be cutting a tooth, but that wasn't the case...still not sure what that was all about!). She is so active during the day that she is just exhausted by the end of the day now.
I am trying to make most of her baby food now and I think I have the hang of it. It took me a few tries to get the consistency right, but I'm at least doing the basics of sweet potatoes, squash, beans, peas....I made her asparagus the other night and she loved it! I'm a firm believer that picky eaters are made that way since they don't know any better, so I'm trying lots of things that will expand her palate! Next is spinach and broccoli! Chris says he is going to start eating more vegetables with her, but I haven't seen any results from that yet!
We just bought her a big girl carseat. We thought it was about time since her legs are hanging off the edge of her baby one. It will still be fine for a secondary seat, but she really seems to like being able to sit up more now and acted all proud when she sat in it!
Oh yeah, she is definitely saying mama now. No doubt. I think she is actually starting to understand what it means, but not quite.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Our Sweet Beezer

It has taken me awhile to write anything or tell anyone about it, but our sweet Beezer passed away on August 21st. He had been staying with Chris' grandparents in High Point for most of the summer because of our different trips. Chris was able to make it in time and be with him until the very end. He still got a little sparkle in his eye when Chris brought him a golf ball and I think he was really hanging on just for Chris.
Just this past Tuesday we took his ashes to Lake Lynn where he spent a lot of time swimming and playing as a puppy and Chris has a lot of wonderful memories of him there. Meredith was there with us and it was obviously very emotional, but exactly how it needed to be for our boy.
He was 16 and a half years old and had a wonderful life. We knew it would come one day, but nevertheless, it has been incredibly difficult on us. Even though Meredith will never remember him, we are thankful that their paths could cross for even a short time. He knew she was 'one of us' and had completely accepted her, which makes us both happy :)
Here is a picture of our two kids!

Friday, September 01, 2006

I feel like everything is going a mile a minute lately...although this work week has been miserable. My boss is on vacation all week, so it's been double duty for me and I am totally worn out! We are heading to Tennessee for the Labor Day weekend so that Meredith can see her grandparents, aunt & uncle....I don't think it matters if Chris and I come anymore. We are just the transportation at this point!
Let's see, what has been going on with Miss Meredith. She has been back at the babysitter's for two weeks now and has gotten into a better routine. It is still hard because she is sound asleep in the morning and Chris has to wake her up to take her next door and then she doesn't ever really get back to sleep. She has been eating her food well. I tried making my own babyfood the other beans in the food processor! She kinda made a funny face when she first ate it because the texture and taste was a little different, but she ate it up! She has been spitting up a lot though. I can't seem to figure out what the deal is. It really wasn't this bad until she started eating more solid foods, but I'm being really careful about not overfeeding fact, I'm giving her quite a bit less than the doctor recommended (I think he told me total bs because there is no way that little body could eat as much as he said!) She is definitely growing & thriving, so she is getting plenty. The only connection I see is that she seems to spit up more with orange veggies than green ones. She seems ok with fruit & cereal, but then again it could be total coincidence too. Similac changed their formula and I thought it was that, so we tried a different kind, which helped a bit, but not a huge amount, so I have no clue. I just know that my clothes have been very colorful lately with the array of carrots, sweet potatoes, peas and formula!! Yumm!
Otherwise, Meredith is just a doll. She is crawling like a mad woman and get so excited over the funniest things. She is obsessed with the cord to this floor lamp we have and she sees it across the room, locks in and off she goes. She breaths really heavy too and makes all of these funny noises like she can hardly stand it. She is really fast too!
She loves her excersaucer and we even had to extend it up to the higher level since she is so long. Oh, the funniest thing in the past week is that I got her a yellow rubber duckie for her bath since she is doing such a good job sitting up and wanting to play in the tub. Well, she thinks this duck is the coolest thing ever.....she sticks it's head in her mouth and just chews on it. She'll just sit there with this duck hanging out of her mouth and it is just hilarious! I think the key is that it feels good on her gums and it fits just right in her mouth. She is so funny!

I am posting some kinda old pictures, but still wanted to put some up...
Crawling with daddy, First food, reading the paper, the pool & happy girl :)

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

This is one happy girl at the beach. My sister Allison took this picture and I just had to post it!!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

The beach

We enjoyed Emerald Isle all of last week with my entire immediate family and one cousin, her fiancé & two daughters. My sister Elizabeth, her husband Chris and her two girls Abigail & Jessica came down from Michigan and it was also the first time they had met Meredith, so it was awesome. The first day we were there my mom got a fish hook stuck in her leg while she was out in the water with my niece….yikes! Ironically, there was a UNC surgeon in the house next to us and he was able to assist her (even more ironic was that he marched for 4 years in the Cavaliers, which is an incredible drum corps for those of you who didn’t know me in my drum corps days!) She was ok and ended up with a tetanus shot and a nasty cut on her leg and her fingers. Of course we wouldn’t have wanted it to happen at all, but at least it got her instead of my 5-year-old niece!! So, that was a heck of a way to start out the week and thankfully, mom quickly recovered.

We surprised Hillary & Joey with a little bridal shower, celebrated Elizabeth & Chris’s 7th anniversary, my 30th birthday (ouch!) and just had a great time overall. Meredith really crawled for the first time….I think she was after a flip flop to chew on…yum. She did really well with all of the kiddos around. They all loved her and wanted to give all kinds of hugs and kisses. Meredith was totally enthralled with my two-year-old niece Jessie. It may have been because she was the closest to her size, but it also could be because she is just a flash zipping by at any given time. Meredith would just watch her run around and she would smile and laugh. She just seemed to have a great time taking it all in and never seemed irritated when there were 4 little girls in her face! We didn’t get her in the actual ocean at all this time, but there was a baby pool at the house that we brought down to the beach and filled with some ocean water and she had a blast splashing around in that. We also brought her pack and play down to the beach and put it under the tent and she played and napped in that so I could actually get some sun time! There was no chance of just laying her on a blanket this time since she would have been all over the place. She is pretty quick when she is on a mission!

We are back to the grind this week. Chris has had teacher workdays this week and will have kids starting tomorrow. Meredith has been back to the babysitter next door, who we discovered will be moving soon. We have been on the hunt for a new sitter and even found someone, but it just didn’t feel right. I’m not sure what we are going to do, but we need to figure something out soon. A true daycare may need to be what we go with, but they are so expensive and the whole thing just makes me insane when I think about it. Wish I would hit the lotto so I could just stay home with her…wishful thinking.
I will try to post some pictures soon. Got lots of good ones at the beach.

Thursday, August 10, 2006


I think my daughter may be an acrobat one day..... it has become an olympic event to change the child's diaper! She doesn't seem to understand that I really can't change it while she is trying to flip over and squirm the entire time. I just had to laugh last night because she had her own agenda which involved getting herself over onto her tummy on the changing table without one care about her silly diaper.
Chris took her for her 6 month pictures yesterday and they turned out pretty well. Not quite as great as her 4 month ones, but what picture of her isn't cute??!!
We are off to the beach on Saturday and can't wait!! Meredith will finally get to meet her Aunt Elizabeth, Uncle Chris and cousins Abby & Jessie!! Yeah!

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

The stats are in...

We went for Meredith's 6 month check up yesterday and she weighs 18.5 lbs and is 27" long! She falls right in the 90th percentile for pretty much everything. She also had 2 more shots, which were heartbreaking when she got them (I didn't cry this time!!), but overall went much better than her 4 month shots as far as her being fussy afterwards. She slept for most of the afternoon, probably partially due to the Tylenol, but we didn't even have to give her a second dose like last time. The doctor was pleased with her growth and said she is a very healthy little girl! He also said to go full steam ahead on the solid foods 3 times a day, so got a bit more direction from him on how much and all that jazz and went to BJs last night to stock up on food. I keep saying that I want to try to make some, but that would require some free time....maybe once her palate is a little more adjusted to food I can give it a try. We added squash last night and she liked it a lot, although most of it came back up.....very colorful.
Oh, her favorite part at the pediatrician was the crinkly paper that is on the exam table. She had the best time pulling and ripping it and of course, putting it in her mouth....still no teeth.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

6 months!

I've been wanting to post some pictures, but since our harddrive crashed I haven't been able to upload any for awhile. Hopefully I will have new pics soon!
It's hard to believe, but Meredith is already 6 months old! She is such a funny little person now! She has developed such a cute little personality and is getting to be such a big girl! In the past week, she has really started sitting up a lot more....with help of course, but she can balance for a few seconds on her own without any support. She really is getting the army crawl down and can pop up onto all fours really fast now! She still hasn't figured out how to move one of her hands forward to truly crawl, but she rocks back and forth and eventually ends up on her belly and pushes off with her feet to scoot forward.
Her first food was peas and that went much better the second time around than the first and then we moved to green beans, which she seemed to like pretty well. Since it has been a week with just the green vegetables, I decided to try a fruit this morning. She seemed to be a bit startled by the applesauce at first since it is so sweet and different from the veggies, but she quickly decided that she liked it and was almost holding her mouth open for more, which has never happened before!
I also put her in the excersaucer this morning and she loved it and played for a good 30-40 minutes in it before she got tired and went down for a nap. I think she is really liking to be more upright lately. I'm wondering how much longer she will put up with her carseat, which is the typical Graco infant one that clicks into the base in the car. It is really reclined and I think she is getting ill when she has to spend any amount of time in it and she tries to pull herself up to a more sitting position, which obviously doesn't go well since she is strapped in! I'm thinking we will be moving to a bigger carseat soon...not to mention that her feet are starting to hang over the edge of the little one!
Chris has been out of town since Thursday. He is out in Arizona visiting his best friend, Randy. They have been playing golf every day and having a good time. I must admit that I'm proud of myself because I think I've done a good job with Meredith all by myself! I don't know how single parents do it day in and day out though. I wore myself out just taking her all the way over to my mom's two days in a row, plus working and doing anything else!
Yesterday we went over to Hillary & Joey's place they will be living in after the wedding to help with some cleaning and painting. It is a cute old bungalow over in Durham. It needs some TLC, but I think it will be a really good starter place for them!
Well, this post is long enough and I should get some other stuff done while Mer is sleeping! She took over a 2 hour long nap yesterday, so maybe she'll do the same today!
Not looking forward to her 6 month pediatrician appointment tomorrow....more shots :(

Friday, July 28, 2006

The remote control!

Meredith’s latest obsession is the big ol’ Time Warner remote control…. (can you tell she has been staying at home with daddy this summer??) You can lay the remote control out with all of her toys and she zeroes in on that thing in an instant. Her whole face lights up and she reaches and scoots and pushes herself until she gets it. She is on the verge of crawling (still not really wanting to sit up all that much) and she will do whatever it takes to get to that remote control! Still no teeth, but I keep thinking it will be anytime, but I have been thinking that for awhile now!
She has been sleeping quite well lately. Like at least twelve hours a night and she has only woken up a few times at night this week....I know, it's amazing. Then she also takes at least two good naps during the day too. I keep telling her that she is being way too easy on her daddy this summer!! It is going to be quite a shock for all of us when Chris goes back to school since we won’t be able to let her sleep in so late, meaning that we will have to get her to bed a lot earlier…which also translates to less time for mommy to see her after work or school :(
Speaking of school, I only have one more class left in this second summer session on Tuesday!! Then I have a few weeks off before fall semester starts...thank the lord! The class isn't all that hard, but the homework is really time consuming, so I have been having some very late nights and early mornings lately.
Oh yeah, we got a new car this week. Traded in my silver galant for a new 2006 black galant...yes, it's my third one, but since I leased the last two they were willing to give us a good deal with the loyalty stuff, so we went with it. I really like it a lot!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Cutest Baby Ever!

I can't believe this was already a month ago, but thought it was too cute not to share!!

Monday, July 17, 2006

Stupid computer

Well, our computer died Friday night, the hard drive is gone, so I’m writing this at work. It was a nice excuse not to do any homework this weekend, but also a pain in the butt when you realize how much you really use the dumb machine. Hillary was nice enough to loan me her laptop so I can get my homework done tonight...Thanks Hill!! Chris is going to call the IT guy at his school today to see if he can fix it. We have an eMachine, which is probably the cheapest computer on the planet, so I guess it’s probably our own fault, but it’s still annoying. We also lost all of the hard files of Meredith’s pictures. Fortunately, I had uploaded all but a few to Snapfish, but that is exactly why the whole digital thing scares me! Film is so much more concrete, but then again digging through a box to find a negative probably would never happen either!

We had a nice weekend. Just vegged out Friday night and slept in on Saturday until I heard my sweet baby playing in her crib around 10:00! Went over to mom & papa’s house to help with the deck construction on Saturday night and had a yummy dinner. Slept in on Sunday too (it was a rough week!), ran some errands and went over to Hillary & Allison’s pool for a cookout last night. Meredith got to swim again and loved it! I think we are going to have a water bug afterall! We thought that swimming would wear her out and she’d sleep well, but it was the opposite. She was up several times last night and at 2am, she was inconsolable, so we gave her another bottle, which helped and she finally fell back asleep. The only thing I can think is that she burned off a bunch more calories in the pool and was just plain old hungry! There was nothing else different about yesterday other than the pool, so who knows. Overall, nights like that are the exception lately. She still wakes up at least once a night, but is usually easily pacified with a pacifier (such a brilliant name!). She has turned into such a happy little girl :)

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

The Beach

Here are some fun pictures of Meredith lounging on the beach!

We spent the week of the 4th of July down in Charleston, SC/ Folly Beach with my in-laws. The weather was beautiful for all but one day and we had a babysitter who was more than willing to watch Meredith while we spent time down on the beach. Meredith wasn't too thrilled with the beach overall. She laid under the tent out of the sun, but never stayed outside too long. We took her into the water one time to let the waves splash her feet, which wasn't a success. She was definitely taking in the sites and the sounds of the ocean, but the water on her actual body didn't go over well. At least we gave it a try!
She has now gotten to where she can get herself up on all fours and kindof rock back and forth. She made one attempt at trying to move a knee forward, but she ended up on her face. The funny thing is that she doesn't seem to care much about sitting up on her own, but wants to try to crawl instead! She seems to want to skip that one developmental step, but I'm sure it will come with time.
Her latest obsession is tags. We don't need to buy her toys, just give her a burp cloth and she will find that silky gerber tag and just play with it and suck on it for the longest time. Any of her toys that have tags are the same way. I've heard that other babies are the same way, but it is so funny to me!
I think she will have a tooth fairly soon. I can feel the rough spot on her gum where it is trying to break the skin, she still tries to chew on everything and drools buckets.
Work is keeping me ultra busy. I'm having one of those weeks where I wonder why I took a vacation because I'm paying dearly now. School is requiring a lot more time than I planned. There is a ton of homework for every class and it's killing me. The professor seems fairly slack overall, but you still have to put in the effort and turn in the homework. I guess this is technically the half way mark though.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

New Pictures...finally

Big Smile!

Hanging out with Dad on Father's Day!

Meredith sweatshirt on a chilly rainy day! !

Meredith's first cereal!

New Discoveries

Meredith has made a few new discoveries in the past week or so. She has found her favorite new noise to make. She kindof purses her lips together and makes this mmmm sound over and over and she gets really excited about it and kicks her legs. It is really funny because it almost sounds like a moo! She has also discovered her feet! Seems like that was really a big one last night. I had a hard time changing her diaper because she kept holding onto her toes and then that is almost all she did during her bath was play with her feet! She has also officially discovered the fine art of napping! All week she has been taking these long naps in the middle of the day and it kinda freaked me out when Chris told me how long she has been sleeping, but then I thought about it and that is what babies are supposed to do…she just never napped well at all up until now. She has slept through the night for two nights in a row, so maybe the naps are actually helping her have a better sleep pattern now. The only thing I know for sure is that as soon as I think I have her figured out she changes again! I guess that is the joy of parenthood!

I promise I’ll post some pictures soon….I had 5 minutes last night and gave up after I couldn’t find the cord in the office.

Oh yeah, class went pretty well last night. Very cool professor, but looks like a lot of busy work. Only 6 weeks though!

Monday, June 26, 2006

Nice weekend

We had a really nice weekend. Saturday was Meredith’s first food experience. I gave her some rice cereal and she did pretty well. I’m not too sure how much of it actually ended up in her belly since there was a lot on her face and hands, but it was kinda fun! After her first bite, she just made this weird face like what in the world is this? I actually tasted just a tiny bit and I can see why she made such a face…it really tastes like cardboard! I told her that it only gets better from here!! She sat really well in her high chair (we got the type that just straps into a kitchen chair since we don’t have a lot of room in the kitchen for a big ol high chair). I took some pictures, but I haven’t uploaded them yet…they are pretty cute!
Since we were on a plane for the majority of Father’s Day last week, we ended up doing ours for my dad & Chris yesterday. We grilled some yummy basil chicken and had a nice spread at our house. Otherwise, it was a pretty low key weekend. I got some things done around the house and we ran a few errands and most importantly…Meredith was a really good little girl this weekend. She really put on a good show yesterday with everyone over at the house with all of her grins and giggles! We are still having some sleep challenges though. Friday night she woke up like 4 times and then she was really screaming by the 5th time and would not go back to sleep without a bottle. Saturday night she only woke up once, but then last night she woke up twice between 1 & 2 and then by 5:45 I had to give her a bottle. Not sure what’s going on, but might try giving her a bigger bottle before bed since she seems to be hungry. Today is Chris’s birthday (36!), so Mom is going to babysit and we are going to dinner and a movie. I think we’re going to Michael Dean’s…yum! Tomorrow is the start of second summer school session…goodie. I did ok, but not great on my final exam last week, but hey, at least that one is over!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006


So, life has been a whirlwind for the past week or so. Meredith had her 4 month pediatrician appointment last Tuesday and she weighs 15.3 lbs and is 25.5 inches. She gained 2 lbs and grew over 2 inches in the past 2 months! She had to get 4 more shots this time. We gave her Tylenol this time, which seemed to help. She definitely was much grumpier with this round than the last. She was just so unhappy that it broke my heart. The Tylenol at least helped her sleep, but it took over 24 hours to get her back to normal. Not looking forward to that again at 6 months!
The other fun thing that happened last week was that after leaving her appointment, I was heading back to work and a lady rear ended me at a light on Blue Ridge and then she drove off! I had tried to get out of traffic since it wasn’t a serious accident, so I wouldn’t be blocking traffic and off she went. Fortunately, a Bell South employee was on the corner working on a phone line and got her license plate. So, we had to wait for the police to file a report and all that fun stuff. The damage to my car really wasn’t that bad, but it is just enough to be annoying. The cop said that the plate matched the description of the car (big ol black Mercedes), so they will be tracking her down along with my insurance company.

That was just a day before Chris and I were heading to Cancun for my reward trip with work. Dropping Meredith off with my mother-in-law was one of the hardest things I’ve had to do! I cried like a baby and I think Chris was getting a little annoyed with me! The trip was a lot of fun, especially since it was free! We got a little bit of spending money as well, so we literally spent maybe $50 total! That is what I call a vacation. We had to have a meeting so that it would be considered a business trip, but it wasn’t too bad. Then we did ‘team building’ on the beach by building a boat out of cardboard and duct tape! It was actually a lot of fun and the Corona made it even better :) I got a little fried on our free day, but nothing too terrible. I was ready to come home and see my little girl! She was sleeping when we got home, but she looked so different! In 4 days she has grown so much! She is sleeping on her tummy now because we can’t keep her on her back anymore and she is rolling a lot now.

The doctor gave the go ahead to start her on some cereal with a spoon, so we’re going to give that a shot this weekend and see how she does. She definitely seems hungry these days, so maybe something more filling will help her. I swear, she is growing before my very eyes…..although, I’m hardly seeing her these days. I had to work on a project last night, have a presentation in class tonight, need to study tomorrow night and have a final on Thursday!! We go to the beach over the 4th of July and I can’t wait to have some good quality time with her…..I feel like the absentee mom lately :(

Friday, June 09, 2006

18 weeks

Meredith is turning into a little ham. Last night we had to run out to the store and we ran into a parent from Chris’s school. Meredith just grinned and giggled at her and was all kinds of cute. I just look at her sometimes and can’t believe she is the same child because not only has she physically changed so much, but she is just so much happier now. We also took her for her first true studio pictures last weekend and they should be awesome. The photographer was great, but Meredith was also in a really good mood and gave some of those huge grins and cooperated perfectly. I can’t wait to see them!
She is really doing a good job of holding onto toys now and her pacifier has really just become a toy. It helps when she is really tired and needs to get to sleep, but otherwise, she just pulls it out of her mouth, chews on the side, and can even pick it up and get it into her mouth on her own now! I don’t know how long it will be before her teeth actually cut through, but there is no doubt that they are pushing on her gums. I can see the raised area where it is kinda swollen in her mouth and absolutely everything goes in her mouth. I’ve heard that this can go on for months, but I have a feeling hers aren’t far from cutting through…I could be totally wrong though!
She has actually been sleeping quite well lately. Her napping pattern is getting a little more clear these days, which I think is helping her night time sleep. We can actually put her down in her crib while she is awake and within a few minutes, she is asleep. I never thought we’d actually get to that point, but she seems to be doing great! She still wakes up at night sometimes, but will go back to sleep fairly quickly with a pacifier.
Today is Chris’s last day of school, so he has a workday on Monday and will be at home with Meredith for the summer after that. I am quite anxious to get her back home. The babysitter will start keeping her again in August, but she will be so much older by then that I probably won’t worry quite so much…..doubtful since I am such a worrier! Chris and I leave for Cancun next Wednesday for my reward trip from work. I am excited, but having serious anxiety over leaving Meredith. She is staying with my mother-in-law in Tennessee and I know she’ll be just fine, but once again, I’m a worrier. I’m almost done with the first summer school session, so I’ll be glad when that’s over. I have a pretty good A right now, so hopefully I don’t blow it on the final, which is 3 days after I get back from Mexico…goodie. Just checked the weather for Cancun and it says its going to rain the whole time…perfect for my tropical getaway.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Wow! The world looks so different from this angle!
Cousin Jessie's patriotic dress!

Future Meredith Alumnae!
Sleeping Angel!

Drool & slobber everywhere!