Wednesday, November 01, 2006

9 Months

Meredith has been a busy girl lately! She has now climbed both sets of stairs (meaning she got to the landing and made it up the next set as well) and she can do it quite quickly I might add! She is now officially wearing 12 month clothes and is about to pop her feet out of 12 month sleepers already! I bought some 18 month sleepers yesterday and they just seem huge, but I guess they won't be for long. She has been doing incredibly well with eating her finger foods. She has had all kinds of stuff like cauliflower, peas, beans, potatoes, pears, apples, carrots and she seems to like it all. Actually she seemed to really like the cauliflower a lot, but it doesn't seem like she has a clear favorite or dislike. She does make a HUGE mess now because I just put the food on her highchair tray and let her go to town, meaning that it gets dropped all over the floor and all over her! She definitely prefers feeding herself over being fed, so getting the pureed baby food in her has been a challenge...especially since she likes to grab the spoon as it's on the way to her mouth!
She had her first weekend all by herself with daddy this past weekend when I went down to Wilmington for Hillary's bachelorette weekend. They seemed to do really well other than Chris never changed her out of her PJs all day Saturday! I thought that was hilarious! He did admit that it was a tough job all by himself.
Meredith is standing all by herself now. She has stood for at least 30 seconds if not longer without any support. She just loves being on the move and doesn't want to be slowed down by anything...especially silly things like diaper or clothes changes! One night it took me almost 15 minutes to change her diaper and get her in her pajamas because she was wiggling and wanting to crawl off to something more exciting. I have learned how to put a diaper on her while she is standing up....that's sad! Her bath is a whole separate challenge. Since Randy is living with us right now, I have been bathing her in our big garden tub in the master bath. She loves it, but she feels the need to stand up all the time, which worries me because she could slip, so I bought one of those anti-slip mats. It definitely helps because she is no longer content just sitting calmly in the water!
I wanted to upload some pictures, but it won't seem to let me right now...seems like that happens a lot!

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