Tuesday, November 21, 2006


Well, Miss Meredith is certainly on the go these days. She kinda sorta took her first step last night. We had gone over to our neighbor's house to drop off her birthday present and Meredith was standing next to the ottoman and she reached out and stepped over to the chair. Now it may have been considered more of a fall forward type thing, but there was foot movement and she wasn't holding onto anything, so it kinda counts. She totally loves her little walker and last night when I got home from class she was just scooting all over the house with that thing. I definitely had one of those moments where I said, "my baby is so grown up!". The walker seems to have become somewhat of an obsession actually. She will make laps of the house over and over (with some steering help of course!). I guess the good thing is that it wears her out big time and she sleeps well!!
On the flip side, she hates to wear bibs! I can usually sneak it on her without her noticing too much, but as soon as she figures out that she has it on, she starts pulling and pulling until the velcro or snap gives way. I had one on her the other night that is the kind that just goes over her head with no snap etc. I had to actually take it off of her because I thought she was going to hurt herself by pulling so hard! She just gets mad when she can't get it off! Interesting little phase here.
Ok, this was just a quick note today since I am home from work to be cleaning and getting ready for the big Thanksgiving and wedding events! Meredith is sleeping, so back to work!

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