Wednesday, October 18, 2006

The first tooth!

So, Meredith is 8 1/2 months old and is just popping her first tooth. As expected, it is the bottom front (right side). It must be a weird feeling in her mouth because I've noticed her sticking her tongue out like she's feeling it or something. It really cut through the skin this past weekend and it was kinda funny because our babysitter was convinced that it happened yesterday while she was keeping her. At least I was there to see this 'first'. It really bothers me to think that someone else gets to see (or thinks she sees) her other 'firsts'. I know I can't be there for everything, but this whole work thing really stinks because I feel like I'm missing out on so much. She still LOVES to say mamamamamama though...very loudly too! (funny note: when she says dada it is really quiet, almost like a whisper, but with mama she is hollering!) I'm sure there will come a time when I won't want to spend as much time with her, but it's just not here yet.
It's really interesting how different babies are in getting teeth. I work with a girl who's son is over 2 months younger than Meredith and he has 3 or 4 teeth on the bottom and it already cutting the top teeth too! Meredith has done a great job so far...not getting overly fussy or really bothering her eating or sleeping. Of course, I suppose that could be yet to come, but she has been so good natured so far that I would be surprised!
Another cute thing is that lately when she sees other babies, whether on tv or in person, she gets so excited! She just starts wiggling, smiling and 'talking'! Chris had her at Lowe's last weekend and there was another little boy in a stroller nearby and Chris said it was the cutest thing ever because they were both so enthralled with eachother. She is so aware of her surroundings and she doesn't miss a thing!
Another funny note: I had to buy her new socks this weekend because all of her infant socks are way too small and the heel ends up in the arch of her foot and basically fall off. I ended up buying them from the girls department and they fit like a glove! They are for shoe size 3-5! This baby has some Smith blood for sure!

I'll try to get a picture of the tooth soon....if she'll cooperate!

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