Monday, October 02, 2006

8 Months old!

I can hardly believe Meredith is 8 months old! Chris was out of town this weekend (took his dad to NYC to see the Yankees) so it was just the two of us. I had a lot of fun just playing with her and trying to keep up with her! There is no longer any time of the day that she isn't mobile. She will sit still long enough to eat, but then it is off to the next adventure. Another favorite thing right now is seeing her reflection in our stainless steel trash can! It is so funny because she'll be crawling through the kitchen and see her reflection and she just giggles and cackles and pulls up so she can bang on it. I have a picture, but still need to upload it.
I think she has also entered the separation anxiety phase. The babysitter says she has been quite fussy during the day, but she is totally fine at home. There could be some other considerations there too, but I think it is mostly the separation thing. Chris kinda took over when he got home last night so that I could study for my Finance exam that I have tonight (UGH!) and she got all fussy when I left the room. I guess in a sick way, it makes me feel good to know that she is attached to me and definitely knows that I'm her mommy, but then again I don't want her to be upset either.
Oh, I figured out a way to keep her semi-still on the changing table. Give her a book to chew on! If I move fast, I can get her changed without having to wrestle with her! Not every time, but close.
I know I'm kinda behind the boat on this, but I've really just recently started giving her finger foods. It just makes me so nervous that she's going to choke! This is when I'm looking for the owner's manual that should have come along with her!

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