Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Just a Wednesday

This has been a pretty crazy week so far. Our babysitter is on vacation this week, so my mother in-law & step father-in law have been here keeping Meredith for the past 3 days. They just left when we got home from work today. Chris has teacher workdays tomorrow & Friday. They took her to get some pictures taken today and it sounds like they turned out really cute.
Meredith has been doing so well. I can feel one of her teeth really cutting through her gum now, so it can't be far away. Her newest favorite thing is making raspberries ( I think that's what you call it when she slobbers and blows bubbles, while making noise!). She also kindof huffs & puffs when she gets upset now. Almost like she's making a put put sound while blowing air out at the same time.
Chris got her a walker the other day since she is so determined to pull up and stand up. She doesn't really like it yet because we think she thinks it is too much like her exersaucer, which no longer appeases her for any amount of time. She has stood by herself for a few seconds at a time and is just determined to be on the move all the time.
Nothing else too exciting going on. School is really hard. No surprise there. I didn't even get to see her awake on Monday because she was sleeping when I left at the crack of dawn and was in bed for the night when I got home. That totally bummed me out. Just to see her for a few minutes makes my day. These are the sacrifices I'm making I guess. Better be worth it when I get this stupid degree.

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