Wednesday, June 28, 2006

New Discoveries

Meredith has made a few new discoveries in the past week or so. She has found her favorite new noise to make. She kindof purses her lips together and makes this mmmm sound over and over and she gets really excited about it and kicks her legs. It is really funny because it almost sounds like a moo! She has also discovered her feet! Seems like that was really a big one last night. I had a hard time changing her diaper because she kept holding onto her toes and then that is almost all she did during her bath was play with her feet! She has also officially discovered the fine art of napping! All week she has been taking these long naps in the middle of the day and it kinda freaked me out when Chris told me how long she has been sleeping, but then I thought about it and that is what babies are supposed to do…she just never napped well at all up until now. She has slept through the night for two nights in a row, so maybe the naps are actually helping her have a better sleep pattern now. The only thing I know for sure is that as soon as I think I have her figured out she changes again! I guess that is the joy of parenthood!

I promise I’ll post some pictures soon….I had 5 minutes last night and gave up after I couldn’t find the cord in the office.

Oh yeah, class went pretty well last night. Very cool professor, but looks like a lot of busy work. Only 6 weeks though!

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