Tuesday, June 20, 2006


So, life has been a whirlwind for the past week or so. Meredith had her 4 month pediatrician appointment last Tuesday and she weighs 15.3 lbs and is 25.5 inches. She gained 2 lbs and grew over 2 inches in the past 2 months! She had to get 4 more shots this time. We gave her Tylenol this time, which seemed to help. She definitely was much grumpier with this round than the last. She was just so unhappy that it broke my heart. The Tylenol at least helped her sleep, but it took over 24 hours to get her back to normal. Not looking forward to that again at 6 months!
The other fun thing that happened last week was that after leaving her appointment, I was heading back to work and a lady rear ended me at a light on Blue Ridge and then she drove off! I had tried to get out of traffic since it wasn’t a serious accident, so I wouldn’t be blocking traffic and off she went. Fortunately, a Bell South employee was on the corner working on a phone line and got her license plate. So, we had to wait for the police to file a report and all that fun stuff. The damage to my car really wasn’t that bad, but it is just enough to be annoying. The cop said that the plate matched the description of the car (big ol black Mercedes), so they will be tracking her down along with my insurance company.

That was just a day before Chris and I were heading to Cancun for my reward trip with work. Dropping Meredith off with my mother-in-law was one of the hardest things I’ve had to do! I cried like a baby and I think Chris was getting a little annoyed with me! The trip was a lot of fun, especially since it was free! We got a little bit of spending money as well, so we literally spent maybe $50 total! That is what I call a vacation. We had to have a meeting so that it would be considered a business trip, but it wasn’t too bad. Then we did ‘team building’ on the beach by building a boat out of cardboard and duct tape! It was actually a lot of fun and the Corona made it even better :) I got a little fried on our free day, but nothing too terrible. I was ready to come home and see my little girl! She was sleeping when we got home, but she looked so different! In 4 days she has grown so much! She is sleeping on her tummy now because we can’t keep her on her back anymore and she is rolling a lot now.

The doctor gave the go ahead to start her on some cereal with a spoon, so we’re going to give that a shot this weekend and see how she does. She definitely seems hungry these days, so maybe something more filling will help her. I swear, she is growing before my very eyes…..although, I’m hardly seeing her these days. I had to work on a project last night, have a presentation in class tonight, need to study tomorrow night and have a final on Thursday!! We go to the beach over the 4th of July and I can’t wait to have some good quality time with her…..I feel like the absentee mom lately :(

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