Monday, June 26, 2006

Nice weekend

We had a really nice weekend. Saturday was Meredith’s first food experience. I gave her some rice cereal and she did pretty well. I’m not too sure how much of it actually ended up in her belly since there was a lot on her face and hands, but it was kinda fun! After her first bite, she just made this weird face like what in the world is this? I actually tasted just a tiny bit and I can see why she made such a face…it really tastes like cardboard! I told her that it only gets better from here!! She sat really well in her high chair (we got the type that just straps into a kitchen chair since we don’t have a lot of room in the kitchen for a big ol high chair). I took some pictures, but I haven’t uploaded them yet…they are pretty cute!
Since we were on a plane for the majority of Father’s Day last week, we ended up doing ours for my dad & Chris yesterday. We grilled some yummy basil chicken and had a nice spread at our house. Otherwise, it was a pretty low key weekend. I got some things done around the house and we ran a few errands and most importantly…Meredith was a really good little girl this weekend. She really put on a good show yesterday with everyone over at the house with all of her grins and giggles! We are still having some sleep challenges though. Friday night she woke up like 4 times and then she was really screaming by the 5th time and would not go back to sleep without a bottle. Saturday night she only woke up once, but then last night she woke up twice between 1 & 2 and then by 5:45 I had to give her a bottle. Not sure what’s going on, but might try giving her a bigger bottle before bed since she seems to be hungry. Today is Chris’s birthday (36!), so Mom is going to babysit and we are going to dinner and a movie. I think we’re going to Michael Dean’s…yum! Tomorrow is the start of second summer school session…goodie. I did ok, but not great on my final exam last week, but hey, at least that one is over!

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