Friday, July 28, 2006

The remote control!

Meredith’s latest obsession is the big ol’ Time Warner remote control…. (can you tell she has been staying at home with daddy this summer??) You can lay the remote control out with all of her toys and she zeroes in on that thing in an instant. Her whole face lights up and she reaches and scoots and pushes herself until she gets it. She is on the verge of crawling (still not really wanting to sit up all that much) and she will do whatever it takes to get to that remote control! Still no teeth, but I keep thinking it will be anytime, but I have been thinking that for awhile now!
She has been sleeping quite well lately. Like at least twelve hours a night and she has only woken up a few times at night this week....I know, it's amazing. Then she also takes at least two good naps during the day too. I keep telling her that she is being way too easy on her daddy this summer!! It is going to be quite a shock for all of us when Chris goes back to school since we won’t be able to let her sleep in so late, meaning that we will have to get her to bed a lot earlier…which also translates to less time for mommy to see her after work or school :(
Speaking of school, I only have one more class left in this second summer session on Tuesday!! Then I have a few weeks off before fall semester starts...thank the lord! The class isn't all that hard, but the homework is really time consuming, so I have been having some very late nights and early mornings lately.
Oh yeah, we got a new car this week. Traded in my silver galant for a new 2006 black galant...yes, it's my third one, but since I leased the last two they were willing to give us a good deal with the loyalty stuff, so we went with it. I really like it a lot!

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