Monday, July 17, 2006

Stupid computer

Well, our computer died Friday night, the hard drive is gone, so I’m writing this at work. It was a nice excuse not to do any homework this weekend, but also a pain in the butt when you realize how much you really use the dumb machine. Hillary was nice enough to loan me her laptop so I can get my homework done tonight...Thanks Hill!! Chris is going to call the IT guy at his school today to see if he can fix it. We have an eMachine, which is probably the cheapest computer on the planet, so I guess it’s probably our own fault, but it’s still annoying. We also lost all of the hard files of Meredith’s pictures. Fortunately, I had uploaded all but a few to Snapfish, but that is exactly why the whole digital thing scares me! Film is so much more concrete, but then again digging through a box to find a negative probably would never happen either!

We had a nice weekend. Just vegged out Friday night and slept in on Saturday until I heard my sweet baby playing in her crib around 10:00! Went over to mom & papa’s house to help with the deck construction on Saturday night and had a yummy dinner. Slept in on Sunday too (it was a rough week!), ran some errands and went over to Hillary & Allison’s pool for a cookout last night. Meredith got to swim again and loved it! I think we are going to have a water bug afterall! We thought that swimming would wear her out and she’d sleep well, but it was the opposite. She was up several times last night and at 2am, she was inconsolable, so we gave her another bottle, which helped and she finally fell back asleep. The only thing I can think is that she burned off a bunch more calories in the pool and was just plain old hungry! There was nothing else different about yesterday other than the pool, so who knows. Overall, nights like that are the exception lately. She still wakes up at least once a night, but is usually easily pacified with a pacifier (such a brilliant name!). She has turned into such a happy little girl :)

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