Tuesday, July 11, 2006

The Beach

Here are some fun pictures of Meredith lounging on the beach!

We spent the week of the 4th of July down in Charleston, SC/ Folly Beach with my in-laws. The weather was beautiful for all but one day and we had a babysitter who was more than willing to watch Meredith while we spent time down on the beach. Meredith wasn't too thrilled with the beach overall. She laid under the tent out of the sun, but never stayed outside too long. We took her into the water one time to let the waves splash her feet, which wasn't a success. She was definitely taking in the sites and the sounds of the ocean, but the water on her actual body didn't go over well. At least we gave it a try!
She has now gotten to where she can get herself up on all fours and kindof rock back and forth. She made one attempt at trying to move a knee forward, but she ended up on her face. The funny thing is that she doesn't seem to care much about sitting up on her own, but wants to try to crawl instead! She seems to want to skip that one developmental step, but I'm sure it will come with time.
Her latest obsession is tags. We don't need to buy her toys, just give her a burp cloth and she will find that silky gerber tag and just play with it and suck on it for the longest time. Any of her toys that have tags are the same way. I've heard that other babies are the same way, but it is so funny to me!
I think she will have a tooth fairly soon. I can feel the rough spot on her gum where it is trying to break the skin, she still tries to chew on everything and drools buckets.
Work is keeping me ultra busy. I'm having one of those weeks where I wonder why I took a vacation because I'm paying dearly now. School is requiring a lot more time than I planned. There is a ton of homework for every class and it's killing me. The professor seems fairly slack overall, but you still have to put in the effort and turn in the homework. I guess this is technically the half way mark though.

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