Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Thanks to everyone for all of the kind words about Beezer. We are still struggling with it, but are able to think back to all of the happy memories of our sweet boy.

On a happier note, Meredith is just the apple of my eye :) She is crawling like crazy and everything is a new adventure these days. She is very much pulling up on things now and along with that she is bumping into all kinds of things in the process. I can quickly see that our coffee table is going to be a problem because of the corners, so we will either have to move it or pad up the corners! She also loves our bar stools, which aren't all that heavy, so I can see her pulling one over on top of herself....may be losing those for awhile too! I really understand what they say about seeing the wonder in the eyes of a baby. She could be looking at her rubber duckie and the look in her eyes is just the coolest thing ever. Speaking of her rubber duckie, she loved her first one so much that we got her a second one and last night in the bathtub she was just so amazed that there were two. She didn't know which one to grab first and once she got that one she would let go of the first and so on....not to mention we also got a spout cover that is a duck as well now that she is sitting up and oh lord, she saw that thing and just wanted to grab at it. I think all the ducks had her overstimulated!! It was pretty funny for me though :)
She is still sleeping through the night very well (with the exception of Sunday night when she woke up screeeaaaming at 12:30. Thought she might finally be cutting a tooth, but that wasn't the case...still not sure what that was all about!). She is so active during the day that she is just exhausted by the end of the day now.
I am trying to make most of her baby food now and I think I have the hang of it. It took me a few tries to get the consistency right, but I'm at least doing the basics of sweet potatoes, squash, beans, peas....I made her asparagus the other night and she loved it! I'm a firm believer that picky eaters are made that way since they don't know any better, so I'm trying lots of things that will expand her palate! Next is spinach and broccoli! Chris says he is going to start eating more vegetables with her, but I haven't seen any results from that yet!
We just bought her a big girl carseat. We thought it was about time since her legs are hanging off the edge of her baby one. It will still be fine for a secondary seat, but she really seems to like being able to sit up more now and acted all proud when she sat in it!
Oh yeah, she is definitely saying mama now. No doubt. I think she is actually starting to understand what it means, but not quite.

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