Tuesday, September 19, 2006

What a big girl!

Meredith is becoming more and more of a little person every day. Her sweet, funny personality is just overflowing! She is babbling all the time and I must admit that she sounds like a little chinese baby!! She has been saying something along the lines of 'deng deng deng' and it just cracks me up! It is like she is really talking to us now. By the way, her favorite word is still mamamama :) When I got home from class last night she actually looked at me and said mama, which made me extremely happy, but it may have just been the first thing that popped out of her mouth too.
Meredith is also standing up in her crib now. My mom was over on Saturday and she had just asked me if she was standing in her crib yet and I said no, but I know it's soon. About 10 minutes later I went to get her up from her nap and there she was, standing up and chewing (well, gumming) the railing (now I understand why those plastic covers are on the railing!). When she saw me, she just grinned from ear to ear and seemed quite proud of herself. Overall, she is just a really happy baby. Just that one night a week at school is making me miss her. I wish I could be there for every minute these days.
We had a bridal shower for my sister Hillary on Saturday, which was a lot of fun. Meredith actually spent the night at Mom's house on Friday night (only the 2nd time!), which made it a lot easier to get everything ready for the shower. Her wedding is right at 2 months away, so it's sneaking up quickly, which also means I need to get serious about this bridesmaid dress if I don't want to look like a giant blob...ugh. At this point, I know I will be a blob, it just how big of a blob.

I am really bad about uploading pictures, so some of these are a month old.

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