Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Almost 8 months!

These are some of Meredith's favorite things lately:
-Newspapers or magazines...really paper of any sort that she can crumple & tear.
-measuring cups ..just gave her some from the cabinet one day and she loves them because they are connected by a ring and make lots of noise when she bangs them on her tray.
-her new bath toys that are perfect to chew on...still lots of chewing...still no teeth.
-the little springy door stop thing that goes 'boing'... she tries to chew on this too!
-not so fond of the exersaucer anymore because it confines her too much! She pulls up her legs when you try to put her in!
-the stairs have quickly entered her radar...she heads that way and stops and turns around to look at us and kinda giggles and turns back around and crawls faster!
-the sippy cup mostly gets thrown on the floor, but she likes to chew on the spout
-she loved prunes the other day!
-cords of any sort....we may have to move the floor lamp out of our living room!
-small animals like Allison's chihuahua, Stella & mom's cats....they just have to get over her getting so excited and screaming at them!!
-just being on the move all the time. She plays so hard and barely wants to stop long enough to eat, but the bottle is still an absolute favorite...the whining starts as soon as she sees it.
-she also gets excited when she gets in her highchair now because she loves to eat. (I'm very excited because she doesn't even flinch when I give her new foods. She seems to like them all!)

- Almost forgot about her toes....she can sit in her carseat and pull her toes up and chew on them!!

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