Tuesday, August 08, 2006

The stats are in...

We went for Meredith's 6 month check up yesterday and she weighs 18.5 lbs and is 27" long! She falls right in the 90th percentile for pretty much everything. She also had 2 more shots, which were heartbreaking when she got them (I didn't cry this time!!), but overall went much better than her 4 month shots as far as her being fussy afterwards. She slept for most of the afternoon, probably partially due to the Tylenol, but we didn't even have to give her a second dose like last time. The doctor was pleased with her growth and said she is a very healthy little girl! He also said to go full steam ahead on the solid foods 3 times a day, so got a bit more direction from him on how much and all that jazz and went to BJs last night to stock up on food. I keep saying that I want to try to make some, but that would require some free time....maybe once her palate is a little more adjusted to food I can give it a try. We added squash last night and she liked it a lot, although most of it came back up.....very colorful.
Oh, her favorite part at the pediatrician was the crinkly paper that is on the exam table. She had the best time pulling and ripping it and of course, putting it in her mouth....still no teeth.

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