Monday, December 04, 2006

10 months

Meredith is 10 months old and is just so awesome right now. She is so curious about everything and is into everything! She is standing much more confidently and has taken a few very tentative steps, I'm actually still not sure if they truly quality as steps, but she is figuring it out. She is babbling like crazy and has added a few sounds to her repetoire . Mama, dada, baba, nana and her latest is bookie or boogie..she is either going to love books are be a gambler! She has been doing this funny grumbling, growl thing the past few days and I guess she is just experimenting with what her voice can do. She did it all the way home from Brier Creek the other night and Chris and I just laughed! Sometimes when music comes on she starts to bop her head and bounce up and is so cute!! She continues to love non-toys like the cell phone, remote control, pots and pans from the drawer under the stove, shoes, magazines, newspapers, name it and she is trying to either chew on it or drag it around. She seems to love dragging around things that are much too big. She pulled one of Chris's shoes (by the laces) all the way up the steps with her and it was hilarious because she wouldn't let go, but she was so determined! Of her real toys I'd have to say that the glow worm still ranks right up there. We took her to get her Christmas pictures taken last week and it was dark on the way home and I gave her glow worm to her while she was in her carseat and she totally cracked up when it lit up in the dark! She isn't really paying to much attention to the Christmas tree yet. She was quite intrigued by the box for our fake tree, but not the tree so much. She did want to eat one of the lights, so we'll have to keep a close eye on her! Her top two teeth are coming in and I think these are bothering her more than the bottom two did. She hasn't been overly grumpy, but a little out of sorts the past few days.
Other good news. Meredith has a new little friend Heather had her baby on Friday. A little girl named Reese (not sure on the spelling yet). Congrats!
Ok, for some odd reason my snapfish account is now a 'forbidden site' at, no pics today!

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