Thursday, December 14, 2006


Here is another fun picture from the beach this weekend....

Well, my little baby is officially taking steps. Yes, that means more than one step. Last night she took three steps in a row. (I almost cried and she looked at me like, what's wrong mom?) Mind you, they are from one piece of furniture to another, but she has no support at all. She is getting more and more confident every day. We finally took our big coffee table out of the living room this week and got one of those big padded ottomans that can double as a coffee table and it opens up so we can throw all of her toys in it too! I think it even makes her feel better since it is soft and if she bangs into it, it won't hurt! I know I am already much more relaxed with her cruising around the living room.
She has been waking up between 1am-2am every night for about a week. She cries for a minute or two and then settles back down. It seems to be a fairly consistent time, so I'm not sure if it is her teeth (still nothing has cut through on top) or if she's having a bad dream. She has also started fighting her naps and bedtime. She used to just lay down and play for awhile and just drift off to sleep, but now she likes to scream for a good few minutes or more. I try to get her into a calm routine 30 mins before bed, but there is no calm with this child. Even when she is rubbing her eyes because she is so tired, she wants to be crawling around and getting into mischief! I saw this baby about her age at the store the other day and he was sitting so calmly in the shopping cart and I just watched in amazement! I haven't dared to put her in the cart yet because I know she would be diving for everything she could get her hands on! I think it's safe to say that I have a 'spirited child' (thanks for that term Jess F!).
p.s. We think that her hair is starting to get some curl. It definitely has a wave in the back, so we'll see what happens as it gets longer. Chris & I both had super curly hair as babies, so I wouldn't doubt she will have it too. Oh yeah, she also ate spinach last night and loved it! I am determined that she won't be a picky eater. I did mix it with some baby food, but she didn't even make a face, just opened up her mouth for more! What a good girl :)

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