Monday, April 24, 2006

Sweet Meredith

It has been awhile since I have been able to write much. I guess being back to work full time has really cut into my time...imagine that! I am fully back into the chaos of work. I am staying incredibly busy, which is good because my day goes by quickly and I can get home to my little baby!! Chris, aka Mr. Mom, is doing a really good job at home, but he has quickly learned that she really keeps you busy. The first few days he was almost scared to leave the house, but now she has many trips to Lowe's and Home Depot under her belt...he even got brave and took her all the way to Chapel Hill for her first time on Franklin Street! I bet it was a cute sight to see him pushing her around in her stroller :) He even bought her two more Carolina outfits...he's a bit obsessed!
Meredith is changing every day. Now that I'm not with her all day, it seems like she's a different baby from when I leave in the morning to when I see her at night. She is really starting to find her voice...and not just with crying! She is making all kinds of noises and it just cracks me up because she almost sounds like she is talking. There is no volume control, that's for sure! Last night she was almost yelling, but she was really happy. She is still chewing on her hands a lot and really drooling, which makes me wonder if her teeth are starting to move. She is pulling her feet up some, but is still really more interested in her hands right now. Just in the past few days she is trying to pull her head and shoulders up a lot and she almost gets mad that she can't pull up anymore. She is sleeping fairly well now. Most nights it is about 6ish hours or so, which has been very nice since I need to function in the adult world during the day now! It really has been amazing to see the transition she has made in the last few weeks from this little baby that cried ALL the time to this wonderful happy (most of the time) baby!
Here are some recent pictures. The family picture is Easter...she did really well during church...she just made some of her own music if you know what I mean!! The picture with Beezer wasn't posed at all. We had them on the couch together and he just picked up his head and laid it right on her belly....isn't it awesome?!

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