Friday, April 14, 2006

Back to Work

Well, it's official. I'm back to work. Yesterday went pretty well. I definitely got quite emotional a few times, mostly when other mommies would look at me with that knowing look since they have all been through the same thing! I brought a bunch of pictures, but had a hard time looking at them! I called home earlier today and I could hear her cooing and giggling in the background, which made me happy she was happy, but then again sad because I wasn't there to see her gummy grin! Overall though, coming back on Thursday and Friday was smart because it has been really quiet, especially since today is a holiday for most of the company, and I have been able to ease into things just in time for the weekend. I don't think much will really kick in work-wise until next week (which is why I am able to type this now!) There are absolutely tons of new people that have started and already completed training since I left...that is a really weird feeling, almost like a new job!
Wednesday night Chris and I had kindof a date night since it was my last day home. Mom kept Meredith and we went up to North Hills, which used to be the oldest mall in Raleigh until they demolished it and built this amazing shopping center with nice restaurants, condos and lots of upscale shops. We did the whole deal with appetizers at The Fox & the Hound, then dinner at Firebird's and dessert at Ben & Jerry's. It was really nice to just relax and talk without worrying when Meredith would start crying and mom said she did really well for her :)
This is going to be a big weekend. We have wedding dress shopping tomorrow as well as checking out a few reception venues with Hillary & Joey. Then Sunday is Easter and we will of course go to church, then my in-laws will be coming in from High Point to see Meredith and then we will have Easter dinner at mom's. Meredith does have an adorable Easter dress.. will try to post some pictures next week.

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