Saturday, April 01, 2006

Big weekend

Two weekends ago (3/18) we went into High Point for my sister-in-law, Kaci's, bridal shower/afternoon tea. I was a little nervous as to how Meredith would be since there would be so many people who would want to hold her and it was also the first time Kaci had seen her. Somehow, some way, she slept through the entire bridal shower being passed from person to person. This was only after she spit up all over me and herself earlier. Of course, I brought her a change of clothes, but not for me. So, I smelled like spit up for most of the day! Then at the end of the shower, which was at a very nice hotel in Greensboro, let's just say that she needed to change her clothes yet again. There was no changing table in the bathroom, so Chris's cousin and I balanced her on the counter while trying to get her very messy clothes off of her and change a diaper too. Boy, I didn't know how hard that could be!! I'm also glad that I took my mom's advice to always have a change of clothes for her in the diaper bag, because she went through 3 outfits that day and I had to dig out the one in the bottom of the diaper bag!
That night my mother-in-law insisted on keeping Meredith so that Chris and I could get a good night's sleep. I was very hesitant about leaving her, but finally gave in. It was nice to have some time to ourselves, but I must admit that I didn't sleep well at all because I was just sure that she was having a bad night. Of course, they said that she had a great night and she was all smiles when we got back over there in the morning. I was pretty happy, but it was still hard knowing that she had been away from me for the first time overnight.
On the way home on Sunday, we stopped at our friend's Art and Shelley's house right outside of Burlington to watch the UNC game and have dinner. We had a really good time, but Meredith started her meltdown at their house, so I ate my dinner in very quick bites in between her crying fits.
She had such a big weekend and was so good that she really let me have it on Monday. Let's just say that it wasn't a good day at all!
She is now 8 weeks old and I must say that between week 7 & 8, I have really been pleased. She seems to be much happier and is sleeping quite well at night. She is also sleeping in her crib in her nursery now. Her first night in her crib was last Saturday, 3/25, so it has been almost a week! She really did was me that had kindof a hard time with it.
I went to the hockey game with my friend Jennifer last night and Chris kept her and she slept like an angel last night...for almost 7 hours!!! I asked him what he did to make her sleep so well...I think he did such a good job that he has gotten himself in trouble!! Mommy might go out more often :)

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