Tuesday, April 11, 2006


Well, my days are numbered. I go back to work on Thursday and I am just so torn over it. I am excited to get back to adult interaction and getting back into the swing of things, but I am scared that I will be so sleep deprived that I won't be able to function since Meredith seems to be regressing a little bit in her sleep habits. I have read that when it seems like a baby is taking a step backward they are really getting ready to take a big developmental step forward, so maybe this is just a precursor to her sleeping through the night...consistently. Chris will be home with her for a few weeks, which is nice because if I had to leave her with a stranger right now I would not be a well person! I'm also excited that they will have some bonding time and Chris can have a true appreciation for what caring for her all day is like! I know he will do fine. He is always so calm and collected when she gets upset, but that could be because he hasn't been with her all day. I guess we shall see how it goes for them!!

The other very exciting news over the weekend was that my sister Hillary and her boyfriend, Joey, got engaged! He proposed down on the beach in Wilmington, which sounded pretty romantic. Hillary didn't want a diamond because of all of the issues surrounding the treatment of diamond miners in places like Africa, so she has a fair trade sapphire in a recycled platinum band....if you don't know Hillary, trust me, this is exactly her style!! They are not wanting to have a long engagement, so they are looking at a possible Thanksgiving weekend wedding!! That is only about 7 months away, so let's say there is a lot of planning to do in a short amount of time! We are going dress shopping this weekend and already planning an engagement party.
Oh yeah, her new last name will be Zielazinski....her poor, poor future children.....

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