Tuesday, April 04, 2006

8.5 Weeks

Well, so far I have really liked week 8! Meredith has really started to get her own little personality and is definitely giving lots of cute smiles and giggles these days. There are still some rough spots, but it can usually be explained by a dirty diaper or something like that. She has been sleeping in her crib for over a week now and she had no difficulties with the transition. Now, I haven't moved the bassinet out of our room yet, so maybe I'm the one with the transition problem!
In the past week or so, she has really found her hands. She has been sucking on them like crazy. I had thought she was going to start sucking her thumb, but that hasn't become any more pronounced lately...really just whatever part of her hand makes it to her mouth she is cool with that! Her movements aren't quite as jerky anymore, she seems to have a bit more control over her arms and legs. She loves to kick her legs and giggle as she lies under her mobile. She also loves her Baby Einstein thing that has lights and all sorts of little toys that hang down. So far she only tolerates the bouncy seat just long enough for me to take a shower and sometimes not even that long. She really doesn't like tummy time too much, but I'm not too worried about that yet. She just loves to look around and take everything in. She has really good control over her head and neck now to where she can really hold her head up for quite a long time now. It has been a lot of fun to see her become such a little person here in the last few weeks!

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