Friday, April 07, 2006

2 month check up

Today was Meredith's 2 month check up at the pediatrician. She weighs 13 lbs, 2.5 oz & is 23 inches long. That is quite a jump from 8.5lbs & 21 inches at birth!! Her weight is in the 95th percentile!! I guess she wanted to make quite an impression about her weight because she managed to pee on the scale since that is the one opportunity she has without her diaper! I was quite embarrassed, but the nurse assured me that it happens all the time....Meredith did seem quite pleased with herself because she had a little grin on her face!
One good thing was that they pretty much said we could start giving her a little rice cereal in a bottle once a day. I guess we will give that a try this weekend and see how she does. If it makes her sleep through the night even longer I will be happy since I am going back to work next week. If we can eliminate that very early morning feeding, I think we all will be happier :)
The bad part about this appointment was that she had to get 4 shots :( Fortunately, Chris was there with me because I had a really hard time. Meredith definitely was that cry where she didn't make any noise at first and she wouldn't even breath. Then came the huge cry, which made me feel horrible, but she managed to get over it pretty quickly. The nurse did a good job of doing it lightning fast at least. So far, she doesn't have a fever or anything, which is good.
She doesn't go back until 4 months and I don't think there are any shots at that appointment...those are definitely harder on me than her!!

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