Thursday, May 11, 2006

It has been forever since I have written anything. I guess that's because we are staying really busy these days. Between work and keeping up with Miss Meredith, finding extra time to type isn't so easy! Summer school starts next week, so who knows the next time I'll get a chance to post! Meredith is really changing every day. She is growing like a little weed! She has gotten so long that her feet are already pushing on the bottom of her 3-6 month sleepers! I'm thinking she is around 15 pounds by now. Today she is 14 weeks old and I can hardly believe how quickly the past month has gone. She is still drooling like crazy and chewing on anything that gets close to her mouth, like my shoulder or her hands or a blanket etc, which really makes me think that her teeth are starting to move around in those gums! (I pretty much always have slobber all over my shoulder, so just get used to seeing me with a wet mark on my shoulder!) She is also getting dangerously close to rolling over! She pushes off with her feet and kindof gets on her side, but those darn arms just get in the way! She also is doing so much better with tummy time. She used to absolutely hate it and scream, but now she can really hold her head up and support herself with her arms (well, as long as I sort of prop her up on them!) It is just too adorable to see her hold that head up and look around. It must be a totally different perspective for her too! She continues to gurgle and make lots of noises. Her most recent one is almost like a low growl. Chris and I just look at eachother and laugh because she will make that noise for a few minutes at a time and it just cracks us up! We went to Tennessee this past weekend for Chris's sister Kaci's wedding. We were very fortunate with the weather because it was an outdoor wedding. It rained all day Friday and Sunday, but somehow Saturday was beautiful. They had the wedding at Chris's mom & step dad's house, which is in the beautiful rolling hills of Tennessee. They board horses and Kaci is big time into horses, so she was actually rode in on a horse drawn carriage from the barn being led by a bagpipe player. It was really beautiful. I was a bridesmaid and Chris was an usher, so one of Chris's cousins held Meredith during the ceremony. She did really well, except his cousin had to get up and walk around with her a bit to keep her happy. There were two other kids that I wish their parents had done the same thing, but they decided to let them sit on the front row making all sorts of noise during the ceremony....oh well. It was a long weekend of travel and Meredith really did well until Monday when she totally fell to peices with Chris at home during the day. I think everything from the weekend just built up and she was just overstimulated and she cried all day. Poor Chris was really whipped when I got home. She got a little better through the evening, but she was still pretty fussy. I was worried she might be getting sick or something, but she was fine the next day. I guess she just likes the familiarity of home already! She starts with the babysitter next week (our next door neighbor!), so hopefully that will go well. I think that will be another emotional battle for me. It's hard enough coming to work knowing that she is at home with her dad, but now she will be with someone else :( Oh well, I guess I should just be thankful that she has been home as long as she has. Most kids aren't that lucky. Plus, I think she and Chris have really bonded over the past few weeks. It makes me so happy to see them together :)

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