Wednesday, May 17, 2006

My First Mother's Day

Well, my very first mother's day was quite lovely! The plan was to make it to church to be with the whole family, but I was running late as usual and now trying to make sure Meredith is fed and ready only adds to the challenge of the typical Elliott tardiness! I had gotten up, showered and was mostly ready, was heading to Meredith's nursery and Chris was still in bed. In that quite annoyed voice, I told him that I would be leaving for church as soon as I could get her fed and dressed. Well, I walked into her room and he had already been up and put my gifts in her room. One from her right in the crib with her :) He got me this cool beach chair that has a hole in it so that you can lay on your stomach and put your face in the hole and still read a book under the chair. He also got me a nice spa gift certificate and some tanning sessions for this poor white girl! Meredith got me this sweet book & CD of Martina McBride's song, "In My Daughter's Eyes" and it made me cry like a baby! It's really amazing what motherhood has done to my emotions!! So, we made it to church(late!) and had lunch with the family at one of our favorite places, Neomonde. This week was actually the first time I had to take Meredith out of church. She was just making all kinds of noise and starting to get fussy, but overall she did pretty well. She seemed really tired on the way home, so I fed her and tried to get her down for a nap and she would have nothing to do with it. She screamed and screamed and I thought she'd just wear herself out, but no such luck. We had a nice dinner at mom's for a combo of mother's day and Hillary's birthday. It was really nice.
This has also been Meredith's first week at the babysitter's house. She lives right next door, which makes it super convenient. Chris has been dropping her off and picking her up, which is a good thing because I totally lost it on Monday morning leaving for work. It is just so hard thinking about someone else spending more time with your child than you do! I also started class last night and didn't get home until after 9:30, so I got to see her for about an hour total yesterday and she wasn't very thrilled to see me that late at night :(
She is starting to really reach out and hold onto things more and more. She still hasn't rolled over, but I think it is coming pretty soon. Her legs are getting really strong too because she can stand in your lap for quite awhile now. It sounds silly, but one of my biggest challenges lately is keeping up with her fingernails! She keeps scratching herself (she has really started to rub her eyes and face when she's tired), but I just can't seem to get them to where they aren't sharp! She is such a wiggle worm that it makes it so hard. Poor thing has little scratches all over her face! She gave me a bunch of really good smiles this morning, which made it that much harder to leave! She also officially slept for a good 6 hours last night without waking up (well, at least not crying)! I am so excited, but don't want to get my hopes up either because the night before I was up with her from 4-5am...made for a fun day yesterday, especially since I left the house at 7am and didn't get home until 9:30pm.....long day.

Oh yeah, I also found out this weekend that two of my good friend's are pregnant! I won't say who yet, since it is still early for them both, but it was quite a surprise. Also, Kelly McDonald may have had her baby yesterday. She was supposed to be induced, but those can be bumped quite easily (know that from experience!), so I'm not sure if she has had her baby yet or not. Babies galore!

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