Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Memorial Day

This was a nice long weekend. We didn’t do anything too terribly exciting, but that was just what I wanted! Randy came in from Phoenix and spent the night with us on Friday & then he and Chris went golfing on Saturday pretty much all day, which meant I got a lot of quality time with Miss Meredith. She has been really cute lately, although that is intermittently interrupted with some crankiness, which I’m assuming is because she is teething. She is drooling so much that her little chin has broken out and everything goes in her mouth…everything. She grabs your fingers and brings them towards her mouth, I wipe her mouth with a cloth and she tries to eat it, if she can hold onto a toy long enough, in it goes. My mom said that all of us teethed early, and I think I cut my first tooth at 5 months, so looks like Meredith may be the same.
We had two big firsts this weekend. One was trying rice cereal in a bottle before bed…..it was a success to say the least. She slept for almost 12 uninterrupted hours the first night!!! Although, last night she decided that she didn’t like the taste. She would make this face and basically turn away and kinda push the bottle, so this may be short lived, but we’ll keep trying! (I can’t say that I blame her though because the stuff smells horrid!) She also had her first pool experience, which wasn’t so successful! We went over to Hillary and Allison’s apartment pool and the water was still a bit cool and Meredith hated it! She was ok until her feet hit the water and then she just wailed. I think that the water was just too cool for her. Hillary held her and kinda dunked her little bottom into the water and she lost her breath like when you get hit with cold water and it sucks the breath out of you…poor thing gasped and immediately cried. So, I guess we will give it another try once the water has gotten warmer, which will probably be in about 3 days since it has been so hot!
Back to the grind today. Thankfully I don’t have class tonight, but I do have a midterm on Thursday that I need to study for. That is the one good thing about summer school…a midterm in the 3rd week of class!

I promise I'll post pictures soon....I'm still a little technically challenged with the camera!

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