Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Nice weekend

This weekend was really nice. Chris and I had date night on Friday night and Mom kept Meredith. We went to dinner at Dos Taquitos and it was so yummy. It is Mexican food, but with more of a flair than your typical mexican restaurant. We had a couple of margaritas and I had some tasty fish tacos. By the time we finished dinner, it was only 7:30 and we both looked at eachother like now what? Mom was keeping Meredith overnight, so we certainly weren't going home that early, so we ended up hanging out with my sister Allison and her boyfriend Matt. We had a good time with them. They are such an easy going couple. They remind me a lot of Chris and I when we first started dating :)

Saturday I slept in until almost 9:00 and then went to the gym. We just had a nice laid back day and then we had our friends Brian and Dierdre over for the UNC/Duke game along with their sweet 5 month old baby boy, Colin. Meredith thought the baby was pretty cool and didn't seem bothered at all when I held him for awhile. She really wanted him to give her a high five, which was so funny. My husband was thrilled with the Carolina win, so the Elliott house was a happy one. He was so cute, he asked me if he could go to Franklin street to celebrate. I looked at him like he was crazy and needless to say, he didn't go.

The time change kinda screwed with all of us on Sunday, especially Meredith who was a little grumpy all day. So we didn't make it to church, but we had a nice day anyway. Chris went to the driving range with Matt and I just did stuff around the house, which included laundry, ironing for the week ahead, getting out cookbooks to plan meals for the week and fixing dinner. I'm not sure when the domestic Jessica moved in, but don't worry, I'm sure it will pass. We also went out to check out the lot and neighborhood of a friend's future house, which is in a new Martha Stewart neighborhood up Strickland road. Then we just drove around that Creedmoor/Ray/Strickland road area where there are some absolute monstrous houses. One neighborhood started at a million bucks! One can always dream, right? No really, those were truly ostentatious houses that I wouldn't ever want to live in (ok, twist my arm and maybe).

A new week has begun and I'm loving the lighter evenings even though it is dark as night when I get up. Now I'm ready for it to really start warming up! Spring fever anyone?!

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