Thursday, March 13, 2008

The King and Queen of Our World

Dora and Elmo are the absolute king and queen of Meredith's world right now. If those two paired up and had a show together, it would just blow her away! She is a little TV obsessed lately and constantly wants to watch her 'show'. The funny thing is that she much prefers her little portable DVD player than the big TV, so at least we don't constantly have 'Dori and Melmo' on our TV.

I'm hoping that this TV thing will pass now that the beautiful spring weather is arriving. Chris mowed our back yard yesterday, which mostly consists of dead brown grass (no, it's not dead, it is dormant bermuda as Chris would correct me) and he dumps all of the clippings at the very back of the yard as sort of a mulch for the plantings we have way back there. Well, Meredith thought it would be fun to dig in this dusty, nasty, brown grass and carry it all over the yard by the handful. She was putting it in her little house, in her play car, everywhere and consequently, she was utterly filthy. To the point of needing to strip her down outside before she came in. I'm talking brown drool on her chin and everything. However, she was having a total blast, so what's the harm? A little dirt won't hurt ya.

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