Tuesday, March 04, 2008

My sweet girl

I realized that my last few posts have made me seem like a rather complaining mother, so I thought it was time to 'accentuate the positive', because there is a lot of positive with my sweet girl.
She loves giving hugs and kisses. In church on Sunday she was being quite squirmy while I was holding her and she just wrapped her arms around my neck and gave me the biggest hug out of the blue. Made me say a quick blessing for my wiggly girl. (As soon as the sermon started, we made our exit and she decided that running up and down the wheelchair ramp in the pavillion was much more fun than sitting in church).
She loves books. I was so worried that she would never sit still through even a board book and now she is doing great and has been for awhile. She does have strong opinions on which books I can read though. I can't even open a few without her closing them and telling me that she doesn't want that one. Ok. I usually don't mind reading whatever she picks out, but she has this one book called "J is for Jumpshot". It is a lovely hardback book that was given to Chris by a co-teacher and it is a basketball themed abc book. Meredith loves this thing and it just bugs me for some reason. So, I put it at the bottom of the stack and she still manages to pull it out at bedtime. So, my positive twist on that is that she is an independent thinker and will go after what she wants :)
Her favorite treat these days is fruit snacks. You know, those gummy fruit flavored things. We bought a box that are Scooby Doo themed and have been calling them her Scooby snacks. It is so cute to hear her ask for them. It comes out something like 'Cooby Goo'. She can down a pack of those in about 60 seconds or less.
She is saying so many words and sentences now. She had one of her sand buckets in the house the other day and she said 'bucket' as clear as a bell. I can't ever remember talking about her bucket before, but that goes to show how many words she is picking up now without much emphasis. One of the books she picked out last night was just an abc word book, so I would ask her to point to the word and I have to say I was very impressed at how easily she pointed to things and it isn't a book we read very often. That little brain is developing more every day and it is so fun to watch! (I don't claim to be a child development expert and I know that this is all probably very normal, but it's all new and amazing to me!)
Positive note is that she continues to do very well with potty training at daycare. Not so positive- she is making no progress at home, almost none actually. Weird.
Ok, enough rambling. I just need to emphasize that I am so thankful to have such a healthy, happy and energetic little girl.

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