Tuesday, March 18, 2008

March Madness

We had another really nice weekend. I had a late dinner with Hillary, Allison, Karen and Matt on Friday night. We had a lot of fun just catching up. Yes, I work with both of my sisters, but we really don't see eachother all that much during the week, so it was nice.

Saturday morning we had a fun play date for mommies and kiddos! Kelly brought Kiera and Jamie over and Heather brought Reese. The kids did really well playing together even though Meredith was quite 'sharing-challenged'. The funny thing was that we figured out that she had no problem sharing with Kiera who is several years older than she is, but if one of the younger kids even acted like they wanted a toy, she was all over them! So, we had a lot of conversations about sharing and I even had to send her upstairs to her dad because she was being so bratty (yes, bratty is the correct word to use here). In between chasing my non-sharing child, the mommies were able to talk and catch up, which was so nice. I love my friends :)

Later Saturday, Allison and Matt came over to watch the Carolina game, which they won. Then we had Randy and Katy over for dinner. They had been out baby shopping all day and picked out a crib and bedding, so they were very excited. We had a nice dinner and caught up on all of their fun stuff with a new house being built and a new baby arriving around the exact same time. Should be interesting timing!

Sunday I took Meredith to church while Chris did his own worshipping in getting ready for the ACC Championship game with UNC/Clemson. It was Palm Sunday, so Meredith quite enjoyed swinging the palm around. I will say that she did much better in church this week and we made it through the entire service (minus the last 3 minutes when she decided to pitch a small fit). I do my best to pack her a bag of books, crayons, a cup and snacks, but after she inhales her scooby snacks within the first 2 minutes of the service, she is pretty bored with her bag and would much rather go through Nana's entire purse. She tends to settle on her little pocket calculator for the longest amount of time. I know she will get better, but it makes it hard to get through church.
Then we had a few more people over for the game, which thankfully, Carolina won.

In other news, I noticed last night that Meredith has a new molar. Just one on the upper right, but maybe that could explain some of her grumpiness lately. Guess that means there are 3 more molars worth of grumpiness to come! She also has gone from calling her pacifier 'Pi' to calling it her 'Fier'. It seemed to literally happen overnight and I was so confused when she was whining for her 'fier' and I had no clue until she actually pointed at it. Random. Oh, and in the spirit of St. Patty's day, she also often likes to take her sippy cup and clink it with your drink and say 'cheers' (it comes out more like 'cheews')! How funny?!

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