Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Another comparison..

Guess I'm in the mood to see what a year can do! Appears that it can produce a lot of curly hair! Feb 07 vs Feb 08.


Easter 2007 versus Easter 2008

Easter Fun

Easter was lots of fun. We went to church for the breakfast and then an Easter egg hunt. Meredith really enjoyed it and definitely knew what she was doing this year. It was pretty unorganized and by the time we got out there, the bigger kids had already gotten lots of the eggs. Meredith was quite happy with the handful of eggs she got and I was fine with her not getting more chocolate to drip down her white dress! The long morning made her completely unbearable for church. We tried to keep her in the service until the children's visit, but that was torture on us and everyone around us, so Chris took her out for most of the service. We went home long enough for her to have a nap and then we were off to Mom's house for a very yummy lunch/dinner. It was a big crowd with all of us and then mom had invited one of the African families from church that we are good friends with as well as a friend from work. We had another egg hunt there and since there were only three kids, Meredith racked up! Good times :)

Friday, March 21, 2008


Mom came over yesterday after school to have lunch and drop off an Easter goodie for Meredith. While she was there, she made a very interesting observation. Meredith was sitting in her Dora chair in front of the TV, hollering for me to turn on 'Dori', saying 'Mommy, Dori now'. Mom stopped and laughingly said, she reminds me a lot of your grandfather right now! It was so funny because my grandpa would sit in his chair in front of the TV and holler at my grandma saying 'Eh Ma' (he called my Grandma Ma or Mom and she often called him Dad). My Grandfather was a very stubborn, but very loveable old guy, which would be exactly how I would describe Meredith :) So, even though she was never able to meet him, she is living proof that the Pergler blood line is alive and well :)

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Pictures Finally!

Celebrating the big UNC win this weekend

Modeling her new bathing suit

Elmo needs a diaper
Meredith & Jamie
Meredith & Kiera (somehow I didn't get one of Reese)

A snack in a bib, crocks & nothing else...
Fudge pop, Yumm!
Sitting in her baby stroller..those things are sturdy!
No pants please, just my cowboy boots!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

March Madness

We had another really nice weekend. I had a late dinner with Hillary, Allison, Karen and Matt on Friday night. We had a lot of fun just catching up. Yes, I work with both of my sisters, but we really don't see eachother all that much during the week, so it was nice.

Saturday morning we had a fun play date for mommies and kiddos! Kelly brought Kiera and Jamie over and Heather brought Reese. The kids did really well playing together even though Meredith was quite 'sharing-challenged'. The funny thing was that we figured out that she had no problem sharing with Kiera who is several years older than she is, but if one of the younger kids even acted like they wanted a toy, she was all over them! So, we had a lot of conversations about sharing and I even had to send her upstairs to her dad because she was being so bratty (yes, bratty is the correct word to use here). In between chasing my non-sharing child, the mommies were able to talk and catch up, which was so nice. I love my friends :)

Later Saturday, Allison and Matt came over to watch the Carolina game, which they won. Then we had Randy and Katy over for dinner. They had been out baby shopping all day and picked out a crib and bedding, so they were very excited. We had a nice dinner and caught up on all of their fun stuff with a new house being built and a new baby arriving around the exact same time. Should be interesting timing!

Sunday I took Meredith to church while Chris did his own worshipping in getting ready for the ACC Championship game with UNC/Clemson. It was Palm Sunday, so Meredith quite enjoyed swinging the palm around. I will say that she did much better in church this week and we made it through the entire service (minus the last 3 minutes when she decided to pitch a small fit). I do my best to pack her a bag of books, crayons, a cup and snacks, but after she inhales her scooby snacks within the first 2 minutes of the service, she is pretty bored with her bag and would much rather go through Nana's entire purse. She tends to settle on her little pocket calculator for the longest amount of time. I know she will get better, but it makes it hard to get through church.
Then we had a few more people over for the game, which thankfully, Carolina won.

In other news, I noticed last night that Meredith has a new molar. Just one on the upper right, but maybe that could explain some of her grumpiness lately. Guess that means there are 3 more molars worth of grumpiness to come! She also has gone from calling her pacifier 'Pi' to calling it her 'Fier'. It seemed to literally happen overnight and I was so confused when she was whining for her 'fier' and I had no clue until she actually pointed at it. Random. Oh, and in the spirit of St. Patty's day, she also often likes to take her sippy cup and clink it with your drink and say 'cheers' (it comes out more like 'cheews')! How funny?!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

The King and Queen of Our World

Dora and Elmo are the absolute king and queen of Meredith's world right now. If those two paired up and had a show together, it would just blow her away! She is a little TV obsessed lately and constantly wants to watch her 'show'. The funny thing is that she much prefers her little portable DVD player than the big TV, so at least we don't constantly have 'Dori and Melmo' on our TV.

I'm hoping that this TV thing will pass now that the beautiful spring weather is arriving. Chris mowed our back yard yesterday, which mostly consists of dead brown grass (no, it's not dead, it is dormant bermuda as Chris would correct me) and he dumps all of the clippings at the very back of the yard as sort of a mulch for the plantings we have way back there. Well, Meredith thought it would be fun to dig in this dusty, nasty, brown grass and carry it all over the yard by the handful. She was putting it in her little house, in her play car, everywhere and consequently, she was utterly filthy. To the point of needing to strip her down outside before she came in. I'm talking brown drool on her chin and everything. However, she was having a total blast, so what's the harm? A little dirt won't hurt ya.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Nice weekend

This weekend was really nice. Chris and I had date night on Friday night and Mom kept Meredith. We went to dinner at Dos Taquitos and it was so yummy. It is Mexican food, but with more of a flair than your typical mexican restaurant. We had a couple of margaritas and I had some tasty fish tacos. By the time we finished dinner, it was only 7:30 and we both looked at eachother like now what? Mom was keeping Meredith overnight, so we certainly weren't going home that early, so we ended up hanging out with my sister Allison and her boyfriend Matt. We had a good time with them. They are such an easy going couple. They remind me a lot of Chris and I when we first started dating :)

Saturday I slept in until almost 9:00 and then went to the gym. We just had a nice laid back day and then we had our friends Brian and Dierdre over for the UNC/Duke game along with their sweet 5 month old baby boy, Colin. Meredith thought the baby was pretty cool and didn't seem bothered at all when I held him for awhile. She really wanted him to give her a high five, which was so funny. My husband was thrilled with the Carolina win, so the Elliott house was a happy one. He was so cute, he asked me if he could go to Franklin street to celebrate. I looked at him like he was crazy and needless to say, he didn't go.

The time change kinda screwed with all of us on Sunday, especially Meredith who was a little grumpy all day. So we didn't make it to church, but we had a nice day anyway. Chris went to the driving range with Matt and I just did stuff around the house, which included laundry, ironing for the week ahead, getting out cookbooks to plan meals for the week and fixing dinner. I'm not sure when the domestic Jessica moved in, but don't worry, I'm sure it will pass. We also went out to check out the lot and neighborhood of a friend's future house, which is in a new Martha Stewart neighborhood up Strickland road. Then we just drove around that Creedmoor/Ray/Strickland road area where there are some absolute monstrous houses. One neighborhood started at a million bucks! One can always dream, right? No really, those were truly ostentatious houses that I wouldn't ever want to live in (ok, twist my arm and maybe).

A new week has begun and I'm loving the lighter evenings even though it is dark as night when I get up. Now I'm ready for it to really start warming up! Spring fever anyone?!

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

You Look Tired

It's never good when someone tells you that you look tired. I was just in the breakroom getting my 3rd cup of coffee today (hint, guess I am tired!) and I was chatting with a co-worker about yesterday's primaries and he stopped and said "you look really tired". Yes, it's true that I am tired since I haven't been sleeping very well lately, but don't point it out! I guess my new under eye concealer isn't doing the job. Maybe I should just go get another cup of coffee....french roast please.
Cheers to all my tired friends and family out there :)

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

My sweet girl

I realized that my last few posts have made me seem like a rather complaining mother, so I thought it was time to 'accentuate the positive', because there is a lot of positive with my sweet girl.
She loves giving hugs and kisses. In church on Sunday she was being quite squirmy while I was holding her and she just wrapped her arms around my neck and gave me the biggest hug out of the blue. Made me say a quick blessing for my wiggly girl. (As soon as the sermon started, we made our exit and she decided that running up and down the wheelchair ramp in the pavillion was much more fun than sitting in church).
She loves books. I was so worried that she would never sit still through even a board book and now she is doing great and has been for awhile. She does have strong opinions on which books I can read though. I can't even open a few without her closing them and telling me that she doesn't want that one. Ok. I usually don't mind reading whatever she picks out, but she has this one book called "J is for Jumpshot". It is a lovely hardback book that was given to Chris by a co-teacher and it is a basketball themed abc book. Meredith loves this thing and it just bugs me for some reason. So, I put it at the bottom of the stack and she still manages to pull it out at bedtime. So, my positive twist on that is that she is an independent thinker and will go after what she wants :)
Her favorite treat these days is fruit snacks. You know, those gummy fruit flavored things. We bought a box that are Scooby Doo themed and have been calling them her Scooby snacks. It is so cute to hear her ask for them. It comes out something like 'Cooby Goo'. She can down a pack of those in about 60 seconds or less.
She is saying so many words and sentences now. She had one of her sand buckets in the house the other day and she said 'bucket' as clear as a bell. I can't ever remember talking about her bucket before, but that goes to show how many words she is picking up now without much emphasis. One of the books she picked out last night was just an abc word book, so I would ask her to point to the word and I have to say I was very impressed at how easily she pointed to things and it isn't a book we read very often. That little brain is developing more every day and it is so fun to watch! (I don't claim to be a child development expert and I know that this is all probably very normal, but it's all new and amazing to me!)
Positive note is that she continues to do very well with potty training at daycare. Not so positive- she is making no progress at home, almost none actually. Weird.
Ok, enough rambling. I just need to emphasize that I am so thankful to have such a healthy, happy and energetic little girl.