Tuesday, February 08, 2011

5 yr stats

Meredith had her 5 yr well visit today (despite the fact she had a little cold). She was a real champ and went right in with no fear at all, unlike last year when we had to literally drag her in and bribe her with every toy in the store. She has great vision and hearing and is 46.5" (97th percentile) and 57 lbs (97th percentile). The doctor did make me a little nervous about her weight. She's obviously well proportioned, but doesn't want it to get out of control. So, we will be more careful with what she eats and is a good lesson for all of us. She also had her finger pricked to check her iron and was amazing and so brave! She did get a bit nervous about her shots and we had to wait for awhile after seeing the doctor, but she still was awesome about all three shots. She got teary eyed, but was so strong and brave :) The only thing we didn't get done was to get a urine sample bc she had just gone when I picked her up at school. So, I'll have to bring a sample by another time. All in all, I'm so proud of my super brave girl!!

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