Monday, February 21, 2011

8+ lbs Already!

It's really hard to believe that I'm 36 weeks pregnant and in the home stretch! It has been pretty weird that tons of people at work have only just realized I'm pregnant at all. I know I'm not huge, but come on folks, I'm 8 months pregnant and you think I'm just now showing? Although, I have also been told that I have the pregnancy waddle going on too!

I had another ultrasound today and found out that this baby is already measuring over 8lbs! (Meredith was 8lbs 5 oz at 1.5 weeks overdue) Of course, it can be off a little bit, but they feel pretty sure that this is going to be a big baby! Considering I have about 3 weeks left, I'd say they are right! They looked at the femur measurement and it is right on track, if it had been long, they would deduce that she would be long and skinny, but not this girl. The belly is what is telling them that she is going to be normal length, but chunky. Guess I don't make little babies!

I've also been dealing with a nasty cold for the past several days. I really want to get over this since I know what is just around the corner. The thought of going through labor while feeling like this is just a terrible thought. I got some antibiotics today, so hope it helps quickly!

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