Saturday, March 05, 2011

My big girl

Today we went to Rex Hospital for the Big Sister class they offer. It wasn't anything too spectacular, but Meredith really loved being able to take a tour of the 'hosipal'. She is old enough that she has a lot of questions and is just generally curious about the whole thing. She is also so sweet because she is concerned for me and wants to be sure I'm going to be sweet! They watched a cute video, toured the birth center, saw a newborn baby, got to hold a baby doll and practice changing a diaper. Meredith wasn't afraid at all and offered up a few really cute things for the group like, be sure to hold the baby very carefully and sing her a lullaby if she is sad. On another note, Chris was driving her home from school yesterday and he reminded her that she had this class today and she said she already knew about the hospital because she watches General Hospital with mommy! I think that is so hilarious bc I really haven't watched that show in forever, but she associates any 'doctor show' with General Hospital. Funny girl.

We also officially have her moved into her new room. It is still a work in progress, but she is at least sleeping in there and really seems to love it. We still have a long way to go on the nursery, but it will all come together I suppose...we've got about a week to get it done, eek!

The other big transition Meredith has made this week is that she is starting to take showers! It has become increasingly difficult for me to bend over the tub for obvious reasons, so we gave it a try this week and she really seemed to like it. I still make sure she's rinsed all the shampoo out of her hair and things like that, but it will really help me out if she can start doing that more independently!

I am now 38 weeks pregnant and feeling every bit of it. I am getting more uncomfortable by the day and there is so much that I want and need to get done, but I just can't make my body do it! I have another ultrasound on Tuesday, so we'll see how much this baby weighs by now!

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