Monday, November 08, 2010

Big Sis' Meredith

Meredith has said some really cute things about the baby lately, but I had to capture this one. A few weeks ago at school, they had been focusing on diversity. They talked about sports, music, food, languages etc around the world, which isn't a new topic for Meredith since between my family and me, we try to expose her to lots of different things. Anyway, it must have been on her mind this particular day. We were actually looking at a picture of Meredith as a baby and she was wondering aloud if the baby would look like her. She pointed to her nose, her eyes, her hair etc and asked if I thought the baby would have any of those features like hers. Then she said, "The baby might have darker skin than me, but that would be ok. Right Mommy?" I about fell over because it was so sweet and innocent and so comical at the same time. I agreed with her and then had a secret laugh that her daddy might not be too thrilled if that was the case! So funny!

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