Wednesday, November 10, 2010

21 weeks!

I feel like I shouldn't say this, but I've been feeling incredibly well the past few weeks and I'm so grateful! I feel like I have more energy, I rarely have the ickies and I'm really just starting to show at all. I do have to keep in mind that I can't do quite as much as before. I hosted a birthday dinner for my sister Allison and spent a lot of the day cooking and cleaning and I was totally wiped out by that night. It was still fun though!
I've also been feeling more movement lately. Apparently, the placenta is anterior this time, which means that it's on the front side. It also means that it will take longer for me to feel lots of movement. I've been semi-anxious about feeling movement because that's just what makes it feel more real, but I've also been reminding myself to be patient since there will be a time very soon where it is uncomfortable. I'm sleeping ok, but that is starting to be interesting since I have about 5 pillows around me! Good thing we have a king size bed!!

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