Thursday, September 04, 2008

Who needs a clean house?

Meredith has been home since Monday and my house looks like a tornado hit it! I have to admit it was nice to have a clean house while she was gone, but it's better to have my baby home :) Chris drove to Tennessee to get her on Sunday and drove back on Monday. I had a baby shower, lunches and a wedding to go to, so he went solo. I definitely had major mommy anxiety while they were on the road and was thrilled to see them pull into the driveway on Monday afternoon. It was a nice break, but it was too long for my girl to be away.

This week has been hectic at work. The week of a holiday always seems to be more work that normal weeks, plus my partner has been out sick most of the week, leaving to manage several big projects and meetings alone...thanks. I'm so happy tomorrow is Friday!

I picked Meredith up today from daycare and she told me that 'Gracie has a booboo', so I asked if she had anything to do with that booboo and yes, she did. Gracie was trying to take a toy from Meredith, so Meredith scratched her across the wasn't pretty. I really thought we had crossed this bridge and were done with this agression, but I guess not. I feel like it's probably partially my fault since she's had such an inconsistent schedule all summer and she hasn't had to share anything at all (and her father lets her get away with anything!). I'm hoping that as she gets back into her normal routine, she will drop this bully thing again. We talked a lot about it, but I'm not sure how much of that sinks in with a 2 year old. I keep trying to think about how I'd feel if it was the other way around and she came home with a scratch across her face from another kid and I'm pretty sure I wouldn't like it too much, but I guess these things happen when kids play...ugh. She really is a good girl, I promise!

On another note, we had a great success the other day when Meredith did a #2 in the potty!! Then about 15 minutes later, she went and peed in her Dora step forward, two steps back.

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