Monday, September 15, 2008

Long Weekend

Chris was gone to Nags Head for a very long weekend (Weds-Sun) on a golf trip with the guys (The 10th annual Mosquito Bite Golf tournament). I thought I was big and bad and would have no problems by myself with Meredith (since I usually do most everything for her anyway). I even had the grand idea that I should take Friday off and spend the day with my girl. I must say that I thought several times that I should have just taken her to daycare and worked instead. Don't get me wrong, I love my girl, but she broke me this weekend. She has gotten so mouthy and sassy, specifically with me, and you just can't reason with the child. I know she's 2 and you can't really reason with 2 year olds, but the answer to everything seems to be a sassy 'NO', followed by the screaming and running away from me and being downright ugly. Ugh, I was really ready for Chris to get home and at least distract her a little. So, Sunday afternoon I passed her off and escaped to Target and when I got home, they were both asleep at 5 pm! Translation: she should NOT have been asleep so late in the afternoon, which led to her not falling asleep until after 10pm last night! I think we had to put her back in bed at least 6 times last night. Oddly enough, I was ready to go off to work this morning. I truly don't know how stay at home mom's don't go totally nuts!!

The weekend wasn't a total loss. We had some small successes like a little action in the potty, fun play at the park with a few of the other 'golf widows' and kiddos, playing very nicely with the daugher of a friend of the family, being a good girl in Sunday School, Children's visit and doing well in the nursery during church. The overall theme here is that she is great when she is with anyone other than her mother. Why is it that the one that gives the most gets the least in return?

My computer is really acting up lately, so pictures are few and far between right now. It just decides to turn off and you can't turn it back on and then magically a few days later it just comes back on. One more thing on the long list of frustrating things in my life!

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