Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I'm here

Work is really kicking my tail this week, so I'm keeping this brief (yeah I know, probably shouldn't blog while I'm at work anyway!) Actually, I think it's going to be like this for the next month or so and I'm not excited about it. I'm working on some pretty high profile projects, which keeps things interesting, but I'm STRESSED! ( I can always tell when I'm getting stressed bc my left eye starts to twitch...it started this morning).

Good weekend. Colin's 1st bday party on Saturday (our friend's Brian & Deirdre's little boy). Mer & I went to church on Sunday and she did well in Sunday school, but again refused to go to the nursery during 'big church'. I just can't inflict a kicking and screaming girl upon the poor folks in the nursery even though she'd probably be fine 30 seconds after I left. We ended up leaving before the service was even over since she was being so squirmy and uncooperative. Then when we got home we had a 'beach day' in the backyard since it was so nice outside. We got out the sprinkler for Meredith to run through, sat in the lounge chairs and even got a little sun! Lots of fun for Mer and she slept very well too!

Ok, my spreadsheet is calling my name....adios for now

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