Tuesday, August 26, 2008

So Lonely...

Well, Meredith is spending the week in Tennessee with my mother-in-law and my house is BORING. I know I need to enjoy the peace and quiet and all that good stuff, but it's just plain weird. I got home after work last night and just kinda sat there like, now what? It sounds like she is having a good time up there. She is way too busy to talk to her old parents on the phone, but we've gotten a few words here and there.
Chris and I went up to the DC area this past weekend to see a really fun band, Great Big Sea. I would describe them as Celtic with a Rock twist. We went with our friends Brad and Stephanie and surprisingly Randy came too (they have a month old baby, so didn't think he'd get out of the house). We had a really good time and I went to Ikea for the first time on the way home...wow, that is a cool place!
I've been pretty bad about posting lately, but nothing too thrilling has been going on. Oh yeah, turned 32 last Monday... see, nothing too thrilling.

1 comment:

KCM said...

I totally suck as I saw you today and didn't even wish you a happy belated birthday! I knew it was coming up as I have it on the calendar...no excuses here for missing it. Happy Birthday!!! It was great to see you today at lunch, we have to do it again soon! Kelly