Sunday, August 03, 2008


This summer we have been sending Meredith to daycare about one day a week since Chris is out of school. It is really nice because we save some money and she still keeps the connection with her daycare provider. We had been on vacation to the beach, so she missed a week and then last week Chris went to pick her up and Prissilla commented on how we must be doing a great job with potty training at home because Meredith told her all day long when she needed to use the potty and they never even needed to change her pullup because she was dry all day! WHAT??? I mean to tell you that when we are at home she wants NOTHING to do with going potty. So, yesterday I just went ahead and put her in training pants with some rubber pants on top to see how it went if she got wet with a lot of proactive asking and putting her on the pot. Well, she wet through twice, I mean really wet, not just damp...and she could care less! We also have been trying the m&m rewards, which hasn't helped one bit. So, all you child psychology folks out there, tell me what this means??!! Is it the peer pressure at daycare because 'the other kids are doing it', she just feels safer and more at ease at home? or is she just the ultimate 2 year old con-artist? She was 2 1/2 yesterday, so it is prime time to get this done, but I'm afraid we have a ways to go!!

I'll try to post some beach pics soon... just getting them uploaded today.

1 comment:

KCM said...

don't stress over it. when andrew was around that age the day care seemed to have him ore potty trained then I did. he would have accidents at home all the time, i do think seeing other kids going has something to do with it. we tried hard with kiera at 2 1/2 and found it just easier to wait until she was a bit closer to three. 2 year olds are a strange little breed...i don't even want to thinkof what it will be like to potty train Jamie!