Saturday, May 31, 2008

Momentous Day!

Big news, Meredith slept through the night last night without a pacifier!! We haven't really been pushing it and had given ourselves a July cutoff date (our friend's are having a baby in July and she was going to 'give' the baby her pacifiers since that baby will need them since she will be so little.) She really only has it at night most of the time now, not much during the day unless she uncovers one that was randomly in a bag or under the couch etc. I have been wondering if she really needed it at night anymore (well, I know she hasn't actually needed it for awhile now) and last night it really kindof happened on accident because when I went to lay her down there was no pacifier in her bed like usual. So, she asked me to go get it and basically I just never came back with it. She never called out for it one time and slept beautifully through the night. It did probably help that she was really tired since it was past her bedtime (we went to the 8th grade graduation at Chris' school). She asked about it this morning and I just said I didn't know where it was and she totally dropped it. We just laid her down for her nap and she is jabbering away, but not asking for it. So, I know it is too early to call, but we are making major progress!!

We just got home a little bit ago from the Sesame Street Live show and she had a blast. We had great seats and she only had two fairly minor meltdowns. It was awesome to see the amazement on her face as all of the characters came on stage. Priceless.

Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend! Keep your fingers crossed on the 'pacifaser' (the latest pronunciation).

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