Wednesday, May 07, 2008


Meredith loves yogurt, so I often give her a cup while I'm figuring out what to make her for dinner. Last night she had a cup of yogurt and I had also poured her some milk into a 'real cup' and given her a straw. Her creative little mind decided that she should suck the yogurt through her straw! It was so funny to watch and she actually ate/drank most of the yogurt this way! Maybe it's time for those yogurt drinks.

We were in her bathroom last night 'brushing' teeth (I say that word loosely) and she stopped and looked in the mirror and said 'I Mernith and dat's my Mommy'. Not sure who she was talking to, but it made me laugh out loud.

I'm moving offices at work once again (musical chairs around here) and while packing up my desk yet again, I decided that it was time to take home the flip book of baby pictures I brought to work with me when I came back from maternity leave. So, these pictures are from birth to 3 months, so she was really little. She started flipping through the book in the car and she made all kinds of oohs and aahs over the 'tiny baby' and that 'baby is cying'. She was just enamored by this little book and I kept trying to tell her that the baby was her, but she was more interested in pointing out mommy, daddy, nana, beezer etc. The one thing that was so funny was that she was totally bothered by the very newborn picture where she still had the big clip (I'm sure that's the medical term!) on her belly button where they cut the cord. She kept pointing at it saying 'what's dat?' and seeming very confused and almost upset over it! I guess she figured that everything else looked like a baby, but that thing just didn't belong there! I talked to Chris this morning and he said that they had to take the book with them in the car this morning too. So funny!

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