Monday, April 07, 2008

I'm going to stop this car right now!

So, I had a major flashback moment tonight. We were on our way back from an errand tonight and Meredith decided to pull her arm out of her carseat belt. I told her to put it back through the belt and she said no and just kinda gave me this snotty look. So, I said "we are going to have to pull over if you don't put your arm back in the belt". We did end up pulling over and she finally put it back in and we had a talk about how that keeps her safe and we can't drive if she isn't safe in her carseat. It just brought me back to when I was little and we would hear something very similar when we were fighting with eachother in the car. It was something like "Keep your hands in your lap or I'll pull this car over". My, how things come full circle :) I just can't imagine handling four kids in the car. I only have one to deal with and she frazzles me regularly.

Speaking of being frazzled, for the past four nights Meredith has screamed her little head off when I put her to bed. I end up having to rock her and it takes forever to get her down. Not sure what's going on, but I hope it doesn't last long. It's just unusual since she's been going to bed so well for a long time.

We had a good boring weekend other than the horrible UNC loss in the final four. Got lots of good rain that seems to be helping with the green blanket of pollen that has fallen on us.

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