Wednesday, April 23, 2008

24 hour bug

So, I've always heard that there are 24 hour bugs, but hadn't really seen it so evidently as I did yesterday! Meredith was happily playing in the back yard after dinner on Monday and about 7:00 it was time to come in and start the bath/bedtime routine. It was like she went from happy to pitiful in about 60 seconds. She HAD to have her pacifier and was just as whiny as she could be. Then I felt her head and it was burning up. She sunk into my arms and was super clingy. She had a nice 102 fever and was just sad. The lovely part was that she would NOT take any Tylenol. I mean, it was really bad trying to get her to take it. I finally got the majority of it in her mouth and only a little on her shirt, hair, couch and me. It helped the temperature go down enough that I felt ok putting her to bed and she was just exhausted. I figured I was in for a long night, but she managed to sleep through the night, but there was no way she was going to daycare. I know kids can't control when they are sick, but it does seem to always end up being on the busiest day of the week. Chris has a super packed day on Tuesdays and I really needed to be in the office as well. So, I got up at the crack of dawn and was at work by 6:30 to do a few things before Chris had to get to school. The fever was never quite that high again, but hovered in that 100 range for most of the day. We snuggled on the couch, watched a lot of Dora, Diego and Lazy Town and after long afternoon nap she was still quite grumpy, but made an amazing recovery by around 5:00. It is amazing to see the human body at work. It knew it needed to get rid of something she had picked up and wallah, 24 hours later she was back to herself! It was a bit of a chore getting her to bed last night since she had apparently saved up so much energy by resting so much! She was happy as a clam this morning with a happy 98.5 temp. Kinda feel like I dodged a bullet with this one!

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