Thursday, April 24, 2008

Potty Talk

Me- 'Meredith, do you need to go potty?'
Meredith- 'No, Thank You'
Hey, at least she's polite about it.

Meredith is very capable of opening the doors around the house, so she often comes in while I'm in the bathroom myself (I know I should just lock the door). I received applause the other day for going potty. 'Yeah Mommy, you go peepee'. Oh, the fun we have at the Elliott house :)

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

1980 vs 2008

My uncle was going through a shoebox of pictures from my Grandma's old house and scanned a bunch of them. Here is a very interesting comparison of Meredith and me. For a little girl who looks just like her daddy, this shows me that she does look like me afterall!

I know the first pic is from 1980 and I think the second one is around the same time, which would make me around 4. I'm in the middle in the pink and blue dress in the first pic and I'm in the red shirt in the pic on the right.

24 hour bug

So, I've always heard that there are 24 hour bugs, but hadn't really seen it so evidently as I did yesterday! Meredith was happily playing in the back yard after dinner on Monday and about 7:00 it was time to come in and start the bath/bedtime routine. It was like she went from happy to pitiful in about 60 seconds. She HAD to have her pacifier and was just as whiny as she could be. Then I felt her head and it was burning up. She sunk into my arms and was super clingy. She had a nice 102 fever and was just sad. The lovely part was that she would NOT take any Tylenol. I mean, it was really bad trying to get her to take it. I finally got the majority of it in her mouth and only a little on her shirt, hair, couch and me. It helped the temperature go down enough that I felt ok putting her to bed and she was just exhausted. I figured I was in for a long night, but she managed to sleep through the night, but there was no way she was going to daycare. I know kids can't control when they are sick, but it does seem to always end up being on the busiest day of the week. Chris has a super packed day on Tuesdays and I really needed to be in the office as well. So, I got up at the crack of dawn and was at work by 6:30 to do a few things before Chris had to get to school. The fever was never quite that high again, but hovered in that 100 range for most of the day. We snuggled on the couch, watched a lot of Dora, Diego and Lazy Town and after long afternoon nap she was still quite grumpy, but made an amazing recovery by around 5:00. It is amazing to see the human body at work. It knew it needed to get rid of something she had picked up and wallah, 24 hours later she was back to herself! It was a bit of a chore getting her to bed last night since she had apparently saved up so much energy by resting so much! She was happy as a clam this morning with a happy 98.5 temp. Kinda feel like I dodged a bullet with this one!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Check for rocks!

I was just doing a load of laundry and heard some clunking around in the dryer. There were two rocks in there. Lately Meredith loves putting things in her pockets, especially rocks. So, I guess the time has arrived to check her pockets before I wash anything. I'm only assuming that Chris wasn't the culprit! Too funny :)

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Meredith's tastes

Yummy Broccoli!

Snacking on Almonds

I rearranged my dress!

Funny Face!

So, Meredith's appetite has returned. For several weeks, she has been eating like a bird. I felt like it was mostly related to the bulging molars in her mouth and now that two are mostly through, I'm pretty sure that was the culprit. In the past several days, her appetite had returned and thensome! Last night she kept asking for more, so I'd giver her a little something more, expecting her to take a nibble and then announce she is 'finnis', but she would eat everything up! I think I have also figured out that she likes to be served in little courses. I'll start with something like cottage cheese, then move to veggies, then to a sandwich or something as more of a main course. She seems to do better with those smaller portions, one at a time instead of all at once. Some of her more interesting favorites right now are almonds, laughing cow cheese with crackers and broccoli!

Just this morning she became very opinionated about what she wanted to wear. I started pulling out jeans and a tshirt and she said 'no mommy, I wanna dress'. I tried to propose several other options, but she was set on wearing a dress today. I actually thought it was really funny because I remember very clearly wanting to wear dresses all the time when I was little. Remember those fun long 70's dresses? That was me all the way!

Our biggest challenge is still brushing teeth. She absolutely hates it. We keep talking about how brushing her teeth will keep them happy so that they don't get owies and she totally gets it and talks about it, but throws a fit every night. I think it is mostly a battle of power because she likes to brush them herself, but I always want to give it a good finishing scrub to actually get them clean and that's when the screaming starts. I'm kindof at a loss here, but I also don't want her getting cavities at 2!

Her newest favorite show is called 'Lazy Town'. It is really kindof strange, but she really likes it. Speaking of strange shows, has anyone seen 'Yo Gabba Gabba'? That is the weirdest show I've seen. It seems to capture her attention and I don't really see anything wrong with it, just odd. She still loves Dora, Diego and Elmo the best though. Yes, she is still in love with tv.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Sunday School

So this was the weekend I decided to take Meredith to Sunday School for the first time. There is a 2-3 year old class and now that she is a ripe 2 years and 2 months, figured it was time. She was pretty stand-offish for the most part (I stayed the whole time) and tried to leave several times, heading to the door saying 'Home'. I think she was probably the youngest one there and the 3 year olds that are getting close to 4 definitely ruled the roost since they have been coming for quite a while now. She was quite intrigued by the gluestick during the craft and I didn't think she was paying attention at all (we made a picture of our family), but later she explained the whole thing to mom, pointing to each of our little cutouts and saying 'Mommy, Daddy and Mio'. She definitely like the mini muffins for snack and washing hands at the little sink also ranked up there. She stayed very close to me most of the time, but I think she really like it overall and we will make our best effort to get back regularly.

I had somewhat planned to do Sunday School and then just go to the beginning of service and leave after the children's visit, knowing that it would be a long morning and there was no way she'd sit through church too. She was very restless through the beginning of the service (gotta love those Lutherans who sing ALL the verses to a 6 verse hymn), but I kept thinking, only a few more minutes. So we finally go up to the front for the children's visit and Pastor Larry is telling this nice story about families and bringing in the emporer penguins and how they take care of their eggs... I lost it from here because Meredith decides she is going to walk away from the rest of the kids and she is bringing another little girl with her that she has played with before. I'm debating, do I just let her go? She isn't really bothering anyone. But then she just got too far away, and is also pulling this other little girl by the hand, so I tried to nicely direct her back toward the group and she starts hollering in protest. Then I pick her up, instantly deciding that it was time to leave. She proceeded to scream at the top of her lungs all the way from the front of the church to the back where the usher is kindly holding the door wide open for me to take this screaming kicking child out (he did give me the semi-understanding smile). Yes, I was the one with that child. The one that everyone was thinking, 'can't she control her child?' Yep, that's me. It's not that I care what people think all that much, but it's that I care and I want my child to behave in public, not to mention in front of an entire congregation. She continued to throw a fit as we got into the narthex to leave and she wanted to go down the hall to the water fountain. So, she laid on the floor giving me this smug look, like 'just try to make me leave woman'. Let's just say that we left without going to the water fountain. The screaming continued all the way to the was a lovely serene morning in the neighborhood and her scream cut right through it. Let's say that I said many prayers for patience on the drive home.

Otherwise, we had a good weekend. Mom kept Meredith Friday night so that Chris and I could go out to dinner. We just went to On the Border at Triangle Town, did a little shopping and then a few drinks. Sunday after the church fiasco, we had a really nice lunch at Mom's. It was nice enough outside that we were able to enjoy their great deck. While we were there my sister Hillary said it perfectly while watching Meredith protest against who knows what...I lose track. She said "there is no denying that your daughter has an amazing personality". Yes, I must agree that at 2 years old, she has some pretty clear ideas on what she does and does not want to do and expresses those feelings freely. I can't wait until she's a teenager...Lord help me!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Top Spot!

So, my friend Jessica passed on a quiz that determines the best place in the country to live based on how you answer the questions ( Looks like I'm meant to live out West. Don't worry Mom, we aren't going anywhere!

Here's my list:
Las Cruces, New Mexico
El Paso, Texas
Jacksonville, Florida
Orlando, Florida
San Bernardino, California
Honolulu, Hawaii
Phoenix, Arizona
El Cajon, California
Norfolk, Virginia
Las Vegas, Nevada
Little Rock, Arkansas
Los Angeles, California
San Diego, California
Orange County, California
Charleston, South Carolina
Houston, Texas
Baltimore, Maryland
Charlotte, North Carolina
Long Beach, California
Valencia, California
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
West Palm Beach, Florida
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Augusta, Georgia
(I think saying I wanted to live near a large Spanish speaking population may have skewed it a bit!)

Thursday, April 10, 2008


Chris got a letter in the mail yesterday letting him know that he has been nominated as an outstanding teacher in the RBC Centura Tribute to Teachers program. Of course, he kind brushed it off, but I have to say that I'm really proud of him! I don't know anything about the nomination process, but the important thing is that a parent or student thinks enough of him as a teacher, that they took the time to nominate him. People are so quick to criticize, so it is refreshing to hear praise! Good teachers are totally undervalued, both monetarily and in the human sense of being valued. So, here's to my sweet husband and all the other great teachers out there that aren't told how great they are! Thank you, because I know I couldn't handle that job!

Monday, April 07, 2008

I'm going to stop this car right now!

So, I had a major flashback moment tonight. We were on our way back from an errand tonight and Meredith decided to pull her arm out of her carseat belt. I told her to put it back through the belt and she said no and just kinda gave me this snotty look. So, I said "we are going to have to pull over if you don't put your arm back in the belt". We did end up pulling over and she finally put it back in and we had a talk about how that keeps her safe and we can't drive if she isn't safe in her carseat. It just brought me back to when I was little and we would hear something very similar when we were fighting with eachother in the car. It was something like "Keep your hands in your lap or I'll pull this car over". My, how things come full circle :) I just can't imagine handling four kids in the car. I only have one to deal with and she frazzles me regularly.

Speaking of being frazzled, for the past four nights Meredith has screamed her little head off when I put her to bed. I end up having to rock her and it takes forever to get her down. Not sure what's going on, but I hope it doesn't last long. It's just unusual since she's been going to bed so well for a long time.

We had a good boring weekend other than the horrible UNC loss in the final four. Got lots of good rain that seems to be helping with the green blanket of pollen that has fallen on us.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

TN weekend

We went up to Tennessee this weekend to see Chris' mom, stepdad, sister and brother-in-law. We left Thursday afternoon and stayed through Sunday, which made for a nice long weekend. Chris had been on Spring Break last week and I took Friday off, so it was a good getaway. We spent Thursday night at his mom's house and then Chris and I went into Pigeon Forge for the next two nights. His mom had some time share points she had to use up, so we got to stay for free which was even better. It was a nice place and we did tons of shopping at the outlets (bargains only, of course!). Found some good clearance clothes for next year for Meredith, got myself some new tennis shoes since I've really been trying to get to the gym lately, a few things at the Liz Claiborne outlet and some other random stuff. I guess what we saved on a hotel room, we spent on shopping and meals. Oh well, it was worth it and Chris and I got some quality time together, which is always nice :) Chris was also happy bc UNC made it to the final four.
Meredith had fun with her Mimi and Kaci. She loves seeing the horses and the dogs and cats. Their house is so different from anywhere she's been because it is a horse farm in the country, so it would be interesting to know what goes through her little head when she's in such a different environment. I know we don't live in NYC or anything, but it's still very different.
We did the usual stop through High Point to see Grandma Dot and Grandaddy Clarence (Elliott) and they were thrilled to see Meredith. We made it home around 8:00 and tried to get Meredith to bed as soon as possible, which wasn't easy since she had been cooped up in the car for most of the day. So now we are into another week and another month already. March seemed to fly by. I'm ready for the beach now....come on July!