Friday, February 22, 2008

What exactly is a banshee?

I'm not too sure what a banshee is, but my daughter has started screaming like a wild one! I don't know if this is something she picked up at daycare, but she just screams really loudly and at a super high screechy pitch for no real reason. Sometimes it's to express how unhappy she is with me when I tell her she can't have 'cream' (ice cream) before dinner (which I know is terribly unreasonable on my part!) and then sometimes it may just be in the car for some random reason.
The actual really nasty tantrums seemed to have decreased for the time being and she has been having some really sweet moments lately, which is very nice. Her Aunt Hillary got her loads of cool stuff for the bathtub for her birthday (colored fizzies, bath gel pens, foam letters etc) and now we are having the opposite problem with the bath again... not wanting to get out. Most nights I have to just throw the towel on her in the tub and somehow scoop up a wet squirmy screaming little body. She usually gets over it fairly quickly, but most often the banshee makes an appearance for awhile!
I picked Meredith up today and her babysitter reiterated how well Meredith eats when she is there. Today she made broccoli and was quite amazed at how muchMeredith ate of it! I was quite proud :)
I'll try to post some pictures this weekend.

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