Wednesday, February 06, 2008

The big TWO!

My baby girl is 2! We spent her birthday in Tennessee with Chris' mom, step-dad, sister and brother-in-law. Meredith really enjoyed the horses on their farm. She helped Kaci feed them and take them out of their stalls to the pasture. We literally had to drag her inside because she loved being up at the barn so much. She had an Elmo cake (by the way, Elmo is like crack for little kids!) and got lots of nice gifts. Chris and I also were able to go out to dinner and a movie while we were up there. Date night is a very good thing for parents of a two year old! We stopped through Thomasville on the way home to see Chris dad, step-mom and grandparents. They gave her one of those yellow and red little tike cars. To say that she loved it is an understatement! We had to put it right next to her in our car so that we could get her in the car to go home. She is a bit obsessed at this point!

Today was Meredith's 2 year well check and she came through with flying colors! They had to prick her finger, which made her go ballistic, but otherwise she did really well. She weighs 31 lbs (92nd percentile) and is 36 inches tall (80th percentile).

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