Thursday, December 20, 2007

Milestones for Mommy & Meredith!

Meredith's favorite hangout, the fridge. (she is also waving a stick...don't ask)

It was a miracle I got this amount of clothing on her, and the sweater didn't last long.

What a better thing to do on a slow day at work than update my blog! I have been terrible about posting anything lately. As usual, life is busy as ever.

I finally accomplished a huge milestone on Saturday with the official commencement ceremony where I received my MBA! It felt a bit odd considering that I finished everything this summer, but it was good to see some classmates and feel a bit more energized knowing that I really did this. There is something about seeing your name in print on a diploma that makes it feel more real! It was a nice little ceremony since it was the December graduation. There were only about 100 graduates total, so it didn't take long either! Our speaker was terrible, but then again, I can't remember the last time I heard a really great commencement speaker. There were also student speakers, one undergrad and one grad. Maybe I'm just old, but the undergrad was horrid. I guess the things she talked about may have been poignant when I was 21, but ten years later it just sounds trite! It was one of the coldest days of the year and it was spitting rain, so there weren't a ton of photo opportunities. Of course, I don't have any uploaded yet.

After a nice lunch at mom's house, Chris and I headed off to Kure Beach to stay at the cutest little place, Darlings By The Sea. We had been there many years ago and have always wanted to go back, so this was the perfect opportunity to spend a beautiful winter day at the beach. Mom kept Meredith and she decided to become little Miss Independent this weekend by crawling out of the pack & play that mom has at her house. We all thought it was funny and cute and never thought she'd be able to crawl out of her crib at home. Well, that must have been the spark that made her want to give it a try and now she ever so gracefully climbs right out of her crib. I watched her from the hallway and she is a pro. The first time it happened, I didn't even here a thud when she jumped down, but all the sudden I heard 'Mommy' and it sounded very close and it wasn't coming out of the monitor. Chris and I just looked at eachother and ran up the stairs and there she was! I tried again and I met her again as she was rounding the corner in the hall. So, we let her come downstairs for awhile since it was obvious she wasn't staying put. It was so funny because she was so full of herself since she knew she really wasn't supposed to be up. You could just tell by the way she was walking around that she knew she was something! Finally, I ended up rocking her for awhile and she gave in and went to sleep. I was really hoping we wouldn't have to deal with this for awhile longer, but looks like we are going to have to make the bed transition soon. Of course, she doesn't have the best timing since I have in-laws coming this weekend and then my sister & brother-in-law next week. She is going to be screwed up as it is with all these extra people around, so the last thing I want to do is throw in a huge transition that would surely be miserable all the way arouund. She has been good the past few nights, mostly because she has been staying up late so she is really tired when she goes to bed and just wants to sleep. I know I can't stick with that tactic for too long, but I'm hoping it gets me through the holidays! So, 2008 will definitely bring a big girl bed to Miss Meredith and more headaches to mommy! We've been trying to start talking it up, but I don't think she quite gets it. We shall see! I welcome any tips on handling this transition from my other mommy friends!!

1 comment:

KCM said...

Wish I had some tips for you, Jamie is also in that transition and it is hard no matter what. He won't stay in his toddler bed for anything, so we have to put a gate up at his door and he just has to scream himself to sleep. If you find anything that works let me know!